Asher, Sandra Fenichel. A Woman Called Truth. Dramatic Publishing Company, Woodstock,Illinois, 1990. Excellent one act play that celebrates the life of Sojourner Truth.
Benjamin, Anne. Young Harriet Tubman: Freedom Fighter. Troll Associates, 1992. This is a simple illustrated biography of Tubman; how she helped over 300 slaves to escape through the Underground Railroad.
Ferris, Jeri. Walking the Road to Freedom:A Story about Sojourner Truth. Carolrhoda Books, Inc. Minneapolis,1988.This is an illustrated account of Truth’s life.
Peavy, Linda & Smith, Ursula. Pioneer Women: The lives of Women on the Frontier. Smithmark Publishers, New York, New York, 1996. A pictoral history of the women of the West which includes information about Catherine Haun and Sacagawea.
Petry, Ann. Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad. Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.N.Y., N.Y., 1955. A very well written biography of Tubman. A sensitive, skillfully narrated account of Tubman’s life and work. She paints a life like portrait of this dedicated woman.
Randall, Dudley. The Black Poets. Bantam Books, Inc.,N.Y., N.Y., 1971. Anthology of Black American poetry from slave songs to 1971.
Ringold, Faith. Aunt Harriet’s Underground Railroad in the Sky. Crown: N. Y., 1993. This book retraces the steps of fugitive slaves with Harriet Tubman.
Shumate, Jane. Sojourner Truth and the Voice of Freedom. Gateway Civil Rights, The Millbrook Press, Brookfield, Ct. 1991. Pictorial History of her life,with special emphasis on her achievements in equal rights for blacks and women.
Ward, Geoffrey c., The West: An Illustrated History. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1996. Drawing upon hundreds of letters, diaries, memoirs, and journals, this pictorial book chronicles the arrival of the newcomers to the West. This includes information about Sacagawea and Ethel Waxham.