Anno, Eric Carle; Raymond Briggs; Nicolai Ye. Popov; Akiko Hayashi; Gian Calvi; Leo and Diane Dillon; Zhu Chengliang; Ron Brooks; Mitsumasa (1986).
All in a day
Philomel Books, Inc.
A picture book by ten well known illustrators with brief text captions. It shows a day in the lives of a child from eight different countries emphasizing the commonality of humankind.
Davol, Marguerite W. (1993).
Black, White, Just Right
. Morton grove, Illinois, Albert Whitman and Company.
The young daughter of an interracial couple explains to us how both of her parents are different in color, have different tastes, and how she too is different, but just right. It is a great book to observe how we all have the same human characteristics and needs and how unique we are.
Dooley, Norah (1991).
Everybody Cooks Rice
. Minneapolis, Carol Rhoda Books, Inc.
A child goes searching for her brother at dinnertime and is introduced to various cultures by tasting the many ways that rice is prepared by the diverse families that make up their neighborhood.
Jenkins, Ella ( 1976). ‘We are America’s Children. Songs, rhythms and moods reflecting our peoples’ history’. Washington, Smithsonian Folkways Records.
Issued for the 200th birthday celebration of the signing of the declaration of independence. Contains a wide diversity of musical melodies and rimes appropriate for song and movement activities reflecting the many ethnic groups and flavors of the United States.
Johnson, Lois S. (1967).
Happy Birthdays Round the World
, Rand McNally and Company.
Birthday celebrations are festive occasions for all cultures around the World. This book provides us with a way to include the costumes of twenty-four different cultures in the classroom around such special days.
Kuklin, Susan (1992).
How my family lives in America
. New York, Bradbury Press, Macmillan.
Sanu, Eric and April present us to their families. Sanu’s heritage is Senegalese and African American. Eric’s father is from Puerto Rico, while him and his Mom, of Puerto Rican descent, are born in the United States. Finally, April’s, Chin Lan, family is of Chinese descent born in Taiwan. A great book to discover our likeness and differences. Has all the recipes of the foods that each of the families eats in the book.
Lankford, Mary D. (1992).
Hopscotch around the world
. Hong Kong, South China Printing Company.
A great book for social studies in the playground! The author describes the rules to nineteen different variations from around the World of the popular hopscotch game.
Mambazo, Ladysmith Black (1994). ‘Gift of the tortoise. A musical Journey through southern Africa’. Redway, California, Music for Little People.
This CD recording provides us with a collection of stories, sounds and melodies which talk about the day to day living, with its costumes, games, music, and folklore in South Africa. My favorite has to be the hands game and song of Shabalala.
Morris, Ann (1996).
The Baby Book
. Parsippany, New Jersey, Silver Press. A photographic essay of children around the world showing what babies do.
Includes an index in the back describing each of the pictures.
Morris, Ann (1996).
The Daddy Book
. Parsippany, New Jersey, Silver Press. A loving, positive look at fathers around the World and how they relate to their children.
Morris, Ann (1996).
The Mommy Book
. Parsippany, New Jersey, Silver Press. A photographic essay of mothers around the world showing relationships with their children. Includes an index in the back describing where each of the pictures was taken and the ethnicity of each of the members of the family.
Mountfield, Anne (1988).
Homes and Houses
. Needham, Massachusetts, Schoolhouse Press.
Describes the different homes and houses from around the world; its make up, uses and history. A great reference book to find the many similarities in purpose for homes, as well as the differences among them. Includes a glossary of terms related to homes.
Nipp, Pamela Conn Beall; Susan Hagen (1994). Wee Sing Around the World. New York Price Stem Sloan Inc.
A collection of songs in different languages from around the world sang by a chorus of children with musical accompaniment. The first song “Hello to all the children in the world”, teaches us to say hello in eight different languages as it talks about the universality of friendship, music and games.
Snowdon, Lynda (1986).
Children around the World
. Minneapolis, Minnesota, Dillon Press.
Includes photographs of children from fourteen different countries with short captions describing them. They depict children in all different kinds of situations. The pictures speak for themselves of the commonalties among different cultures.