The following factors impact upon the way a culture develops. The perceived differences among cultures is a result of these factors. The combined influences of these factors, as related to national ethnic cultures have helped to create American culture. Unfortunately, they also are basic determinants of social status, here in America. Therein lies the problem. Instead of creating a workable multi-ethnic society, we are continuing to support a culturally divided one.
Foods differ among cultures. While our diets may differ, our basic need for nourishment is very much the same. We eat to sustain life. Environmental conditions, availability of grain and seed for planting, growing and harvesting crop, demand for crop based on religious practices and the cost of producing and exporting food, all help to determine the diet of a culture.
Clothing styles, fabric and dress customs vary among humans. They vary among generations, genders, social positions, races and economic lines. Our cultural dress is determined by the availability of raw materials, the cost of manufacturing and exporting those products and acceptable traditions of dress.
Housing is based on conditions of climate. The kind of house that one constructs is suited to weather events in a particular region. The technology and availability of materials are also determining factors. Most important in determining a person's housing situation is the economic status of a family or group.
Language plays an important role in the social growth and development of a people. The language of a culture is determined by one's native tongue, by the language of previous generations and by languages spoken in the immediate area. It is further influenced by school and government policies.
Religion differs for many of us, by denomination of faith. - beliefs and ritual practices. Freedom to practice one's religious beliefs and rituals are important to the development of a culture.
Education is pursued to different degrees by different groups. The pursuit is often determined by the degree to which it is valued, past educational practices and ability to afford it.
Culture is influenced by government, available technology, transportation, talents, opportunity and other factors including economics. Because we develop differently, our practices may appear strange to others. They are simply unfamiliar to us, not necessarily "weird".