Susan L. Norwood
Becklake, Susan. Space, Stars, Planets and Spacecraft. Illus. Brian Delf and Luciano Corbella. New York: Dorling Kindersley., 1991.
An excellent overview of P astronomy. No photographs.
Bourne, Barbara. Exploring Space: Using Seymour Simon's Astronomy Books in the Classroom. New York: Morrow Junior Books.,1994.
This book offers activities for studying and teaching astronomy.
Funk & Wagnalls. Charlie Brown's Encyclopedia Blast off to Space Volume 3. Ramsey, New Jersey: Funk & Wagnalls L.P., 1990.
A high interest resource book for children about rockets, astronauts and moon walks. Includes color photographs and cartoon illustrations.
Lippincott, Kristen. Eyewitness Science Astronomy. New York: Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc., 1994.
A valuable resource on astronomy.
Moroney, Lynn. Moontellers. Myths of the Moon from Around the World. Illus. Greg Shed. Flagstaff, Arizona: Northland Publishing., 1995.
Discusses how the moon has been the subject of myths and legends through out time an .d in different cultures. eleven cultures are featured in this simple and beautifully illustrated book .
Simon, Seymour. The Moon. New York, New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers., 1984.
A basic introduction to our nearest celestial neighbor. Includes black and white photographs from space.
Time-Life Books. Sky and Earth (A Child's First Library of Learning). Alexandria, Virginia: Time-Life Books Inc., 1988.
An excellent children's resource book that provides answers to questions about the moon and other aspects of the earth and sky. Includes illustration and color
Wood, Leigh Hope. Eyes on Adventure Exploring Space Kidsbooks, Inc Chicago,IL,1996.
This book offers excellent color photos and narrative on the history of landing a man on the moon.