Ancient Mexico, Stencils. Good Year Books. reproducible stencils.
Diego Rivera, Political Art.” Scholastic Art. March, 1993. highschool level but readable at middle school level, contains biography and essay, featuring the mural, “Detroit Industry” (1932-3).
“Diego’s Mural Unites People. Nature, and Technology.” Art News for Students: When Art Takes a Stand. February, 1996. brief essay and illustrations.
Johnston, Tony. Day of the Dead. San Diego, New York, London: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1997. written for elementary school audience with simple, colorful illustrations, it explains the holiday.
Green, John. Life in Ancient Mexico. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1991. coloring book with short explanations.
Lattimore, Deborah Nourse. The Flame of Peace, A Tale of the Aztecs. Harper Trophy. A Division of HarperCollins Publishers, 1987. Aztec tale with illustrations reminiscent of Aztec codices.
Lewis. Richard. All of You Was Singing. New York: Atheneum, 1991. Aztec myth about how music comes to earth.
Libura, Krystyna, Claudia Burr and Maria Cristina Urrutia. Broken Shields. Toronto: A Groundwood Book, 1994. elementary level, story of the conquest with text taken from Sahagun, Florentine Codex and images from Historia de las Indias by Diego Duran.
----What the Aztecs Told Me. Toronto: A Groundwood Book, 1997. elementary level children’s book based on Friar Sahagún’s “A General History of the Things of New Spain,” with drawings taken from the Florentine Codex.
McDermott, Gerald. Musicians of the Sun. New York: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1997. retelling of an Aztec myth about the origin of color.
“Mexican Art, Featuring Frida Kahlo.” Art & Man. March, 1991. high school level but readable for middle schoolers, includes a short biography and essay on her art with illustrations featuring “Self- portrait with Monkeys” (1943).
Milord, Susan. Mexico! 40 Activities to Experience Mexico Past and Present. Williamson Publishing: Charlotte, VT, 1999.
Savage, Martha. The Ballgame. 1992. written and illustrated for children, features the ballgame art found at the Yale University Art Gallery.
Sills, Leslie.Inspirations, Stories About Women Artists. Niles, Illinois: Albert Whitman and Company, 1989. contains ten page illustrated biography of Kahlo, best material available in age appropriate form on this sensitive subject matter for middle schoolers.
Venezia, Mike. Diego Rivera. Chicago: Childrens Press, 1994. comic book style rendering of the life and times of the artist.