To free up the students' own habit of expression.
To prevent any two actors from developing the same characteristics.
Students will learn to make quick decisions as another character.
Students will begin to apply relaxation, concentration, and sensory technique into their stage work.
People watching- Students will choose one person for one day. They will study the details of their walk, body language, facial expression, vocal quality, posture. The student will recreate the subject in class.
Animal exercise- Students will choose and study their favorite animal, also recreating its' physical attributes in class. They will incorporate the animals' movement with their own. This exercise should not be rushed, and may be done over a period of a few classes.
Whose hat is this? - Students will be given an array of hats to choose from. By answering the questions: occupation, age, and location, the students will define what type of character would wear each hat. Students will move about the room wearing the hat as others ask ten random questions about who the person in the hat is?