As the unit progresses, students will read and view materials directly related to immigration such as:
A View from the Bridge - Set in the 1950's this play depicts illegal immigration and its consequences.
A Bintel Brief - Letters from Jewish immigrants to the editor of the Jewish Daily Forward.
Men In Black - Tommy Lee Jones, and Will Smith play the 90's version of intergalactic immigration officers.
City of Angels - An angel must relinquish his immortality in order to love a woman.
Throughout the readings and viewings, the students will be encouraged to put aside their created characters in order to experiment with some of the scripted characters. This will allow them to work on more than one character at a time.
As part of their grade, students will turn in their journals, which should include the characters trials and tribulations from their moment of leaving their homeland, to achieving their ultimate goals in America. Through the series of essay writing, improvisations, and journal writing, the students will ultimately script a short play that will include each created character.