Subject Area: Science
Objective: To observes that a mixture is two or more items mixed together, yet retaining its own properties.
Materials: varied precut fruits
1. The students will observe the varied precut fruits.
2. The students will write down their observations (ie. color, texture, size, shape, smell).
3. Then the students will mix the fruits together in one large bowl.
4. The students will make new observations.
5. The students will write down their observations(ie. color, texture, size, shape, smell, and changes in the fruits).
6. The students will then separate the fruits into several smaller bowls of like fruits.
7. The students will make new observations.
8. The students will write down their observations (color, texture, shape, size, smell).
9. The students will answer the question, “Has the precut fruit changed?”
NOTE: This activity can also be done with precut vegetables for a vegetable salad.
Students will observe in a concrete manner that a mixture is the combination of elements that can be separated and retain their own characteristics. In this lesson, the students will see that the fruit was combined and then separated without changing its form or characteristics. (For example, the apple segments were still apple segments and the orange segments were still orange segments not matter if they were together or separate.)