Teacher Materials
*An overview of general chemistry.
New Haven Public Schools Academic Performace Standards in Science. 1999
* Guidelines and standards for teaching science in New Haven.
Usborne Pocket Scientist. CHEMISTRY EXPERIMENTS. 1988.
*A selection of experiments for students in chemistry.
Selected Classroom Readings
Student Materials
Beech, Linda. THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS GETS BAKED IN A CAKE. Scholastic, 1995
*Discusses mixtures, solutions, compounds, and chemical reactions at a children’s level.
Branley, Franklyn M. AIR IS ALL AROUND YOU. HarperCollins Publ. 1986.
*Discusses the mystery of air.
Gibson, Gary. SCIENCE FOR FUN. MAKING THINGS CHANGE. Copper Beech Books. 1995.
*A book about experiments dealing with making things change.
Graves, Kimberlee. I CAN’T SLEEP. Creative Teaching Press, 1994.
*A children’s reading book that deals with observations of matter.
Graves, Kimberlee. WHERE DID IT GO?. Creative Teaching Press, 1997.
*A children’s reading book that deals with the properties of matter and the properties of a solution.
Krulik, Nancy. THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS IN A PICKLE. Scholastic, 1997..
*A children’s book about microbes.
Williams, Rozanne Lanczak. I SEE COLORS. Creative Teaching Press, 1994.
*A children’s reading book dealing with the properties of and classification of matter.
Williams, Rozanne Lanczak. IT’S MELTING. Creative Teaching Press, 1994.
*A children’s reading book dealing with how properties of matter can change.
Williams, Rozanne Lanczak. WHAT HAPPENED? Creative Teaching Press, 1994.
*A children’s reading book dealing with the affect of heat on states of matter.
Williams, Rozanne Lanczak. WHAT’S IN MY POCKET? Creative Teaching Press, 1994.
*A children’s reading book about observing matter using the senses.
Zoehfeld, Kathleen. WHAT IS THE WORLD MADE OF? ALL ABOUT SOLIDS, LIQUIDS, AND GASES. HarperCollins Publ. 1998.
*A children’s book about the varied forms of matter that exist in our world.