Using the data from the EPA's Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) determine the school's location and the TRI for the Hill neighborhood of New Haven , Connecticut.
Objective: The student will develop a map using the TRI information for a specific area. They will compile a list of toxic release inventory for the school's neighborhood. The student will also include the necessary information to read map, verify information and clearly understand their written interpretation of the map.
Materials: Graph paper, pencils, rulers, color pencils, compass and line paper.
Student group will research the Internet for Environmental Website, search by zip code of the school. The toxic release inventory will provide a list of companies in the zip code area that is registered to handle different types of toxins. It also provide information if a company has ever been listed or is listed as a Superfund site. A Superfund site is one that requires massive cleanup effort due to incorrect waste handling.
Once this information is collected and shared with the class the students are to categorize it by the type of permits each company listed has, and color code the permits. Using graph paper with Roberto as the center point, the scale is one square equals one block; plot each company one the map they are developing. Color code each company by permit. Using the completed map write four observations. One observation should include what in close proximity of the school. Close proximity is a four block radius.
Teach: Collection of data is useful to decision making and problem solving. However, in order for it to be effective the purpose must be clear. What is the problem? What information is needed to help solve the problem? What process is needed to prove or disprove the problem? Where to begin, develop a strategy. List the information that is given. The key to problem solving is to develop a plan. Also understanding that a plan is just a starting point. If it does not work, develop another and test; until a successful solution is found or enough trails to prove there is no solution.
Guided Practice: Using the compass determine Roberto's location by cardinal directions, using Columbus Avenue as the front of the building for location on the map. The students must label map as North, South, East and West. Using data locate the first company.
Independent Practice: The students will continue until the map is completed.
Closure: The students will write one paragraph discussing the toxic release in the school's neighborhood.
The mathematical objectives to be addressed are problem solving, data collection and interpretation, organization of data, and application of information as a tool of decision making.