Susan Cahan and Zoya Kocur. Contemporary Art and Multicultural Education. New York, Routledge Press, 1996 Educator’s perspectives, color reproductions, lesson plans, artist statements, resources. Provides extensive reproductions.
Karen Higa. The View From Within-Japanese American Art From the Internment Camps, 1942-1945. Univ. Of Calif. LA. 1992 Examines paintings and other works, contextualizes the creative process that occurred. Excellent!
Hoobler, Dorothy and Thomas. The Japanese American Family Album. New York: Oxford Press, 1996 Documents the lives of Japanese immigrants through their own diaries, photographs, articles from newspapers and magazines, and personal reflections. Extensive reproductions.
Kashiwabara, Amy. Vanishing Son: The Disappearance and Assimilation of the Asian American Male in Mainstream Media University of Calif., Berkeley, 1996
Leathers, Noel L. The Japanese in America. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Co., 1991. Concise look at immigration to the U.S. from Japan. Examines prejudice to the Japanese. before the war.
Lippard, Lucy. Mixed Blessings, New Art In A Multicultural America The New Press, New York, 1990 Comprehensive contemporary review of artists from a spectrum of ethnic backgrounds, discusses the cross-cultural process and the role of images in a changing society. Highly recommended. Extensive reproductions.
Marchetti, Gina. The Yellow Peril: Race, Sex, and Discursive Strategies in Hollywood Fiction, Berkeley Univ Calif. Press, 1993
Mayumi Tsutakowa. They Painted From Their Hearts. University of Washington Press, Washington 1994
Nagata, Donna K. Legacy of Injustice: Exploring the Cross-Generational Impact of the Japanese American Internment. (Critical Issues of Social Justice.) Plenum Pub. Corp., 1993, Very Good resource.
Oehling, Richard A. The Yellow Menace: Asian Images American Film edited by Randall M. Miller, New York (Jerome S. Ozer) 1980
Rockman, Irene F., Japanese-American Identity in the United States, 1945-Present. A Bibliography. E.R.I.C. databases, Document: Ed102091, Clearinghouse: SO0008169 ERIC issue: January 1975
Prown, Jules D. Mind in Matter: An Introduction to Material Culture Theory and Method . Winterthur Portfoloi. Vol.17 no.1. Spring 1982. This article is very helpful to teachers in using this unit as it it the methodology in examining the visual resources.
Renteln, Alison Dundes. A Psychohistorical Analysis of the Japanese Internment John Hopkins Univ. Press. 1995, Includes propaganda posters.
Takaki, Ronal. Issei and Nisei: The Settling of Japanese America. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1989 Focuses on two generations in conflict: the Issei, the first generation Japanese Americans, and the Nisei, their American born children. The section on the search for identity helpful for understanding acculturation/assimilation.
Strangers From A Different Shore, A History of Asian Americans. Little Brown Publ. 1988. Comprehensive examination of Asian American immigration.