Semester Journals
The journals will be assessed upon their overall appearance and amount of effort that went into the creation of the completed journal. What they fill it with is of lesser importance and is subject to each student's desires. The important thing is that students do fill the journal on at the least a weekly basis. There will be weekly checks of journals, which will be on a very loose basis: checks, check-plusses, check-minuses, and incompletes. The final check will be at the conclusion of the unit and will be weighed as greatly as one test grade. It will be a quantitative grade based upon a rubric.
Lyric/Poetry Assignments
Throughout the studying of the lyrics and poetry, various assignments and progress checks will take place. Each assignment will be graded on a check-system basis. At the conclusion of the unit, each of the assignment grades will be combined and averaged-a check average would be an 85, a check-plus a 95, a check-minus a 75, and an incomplete a 0-with the average weighing as greatly as one test grade.
Group Project
The group project will be graded as three separate test grades. The first grade will be a group grade, based upon a rubric set by the objectives. The second grade will be an individual grade on the incorporation of the student's arts concentration, based upon a rubric set by the objectives. The third grade will be an individual grade on the understanding of the poetry and poetic elements, based upon a rubric set by the objectives.
Unit Grade Breakdown
• Journal
1 Test Grade
• Lyric/Poetry Assignments
1 Test Grade
• Group Project
• Group Grade
• Arts-Individual Grade
• Poetry-Individual Grade
3 Test Grades
5 Test Grades