• Books for student reading list are so indicated.
Ades, Dawn.
Art in Latin America: The Modern Era
, 1820-1980. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989. A good overview of Latin American art, especially chapter 7's Mexican muralists including Diego Rivera, chapter 9's native american art, and chapter 13's discussion of the mestizo identity of Latin Americans. Antonio Ruiz' The Dream of Malinche may be seen on page 223, and is an important painting in this unit.
• Aley, Margaret, and Louis Albini.
Galería de Arte y Vida
. Lake Forest: McGraw-Hill, 1989. Useful for samples of Spanish art: El Greco, Velázquez, Murillo, Goya, Picasso, and Dalí, and for reading passages for advanced Spanish classes.
Anderson Imbert, Enrique, and Eugenio Florit.
Literatura Hispanoamericana
. Chicago: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1970. Recommended for Spanish 4 Honors and Spanish AP. Has a useful glossary of literary terms in the back. I found it useful for this unit because it includes excerpts from Jorge Luis Borges; Gabriel García Márquez; especially Un hombre muy viejo con unas alas enormes; and Pablo Neruda.
Ayllón, Cándido, et al.
Spanish Composition Through Literature
. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996. Includes innovative ideas for using literature as a starting point for teaching writing skills.
• Borges, Jorge Luis.
. Madrid: Alianza Editorial,S.A., 1995. Recommended for this unit. Borges is one of the five AP authors. I find some of the easier stories appropriate for Spanish 4 Honors:
La casa de Asterión
Los dos reyes y los dos laberintos
, and that way students are familiar with Borges as they enter the Spanish AP class. I like to save Emma Zunz for Spanish AP.
• Borges, Jorge Luis.
. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, S.A., 1995. Recommended for this unit. I have taught La Forma de la Espada and Sur in my Spanish AP classes.
Borsi, Emilia and Fay R. Rogg.
El Arte de Escribir
. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994. A textbook used for teaching writing skills at colleges; may be useful for high school students at an advanced level.
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo.
Vistas del amanecer en el trópico
. New York: Penguin Books, 1974. A poetic and richly visual collection of brief passages about Cuba, teachers should use discretion since some chapters have violence and explicit language.
Chang-Rodriguez, Raquel, and Malva E. Filer.
Voces de Hispanoamérica
. 2nd. ed. Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 1996. A useful anthology of Latin American literature and a must read for all teachers. For this unit, includes works by Jorge Luis Borges, Nicolás Guillén, Pablo Neruda, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez, and Rosario Ferré.
• de Burgos, Julia.
Poemas de Julia de Burgos
. Río Piedras, Puerto Rico: Ediciones Huracán, 1982. A collection of poems by Julia de Burgos, including themes of love, nature, and identity.
• Díaz, José M., and Stephen Collins.
Abriendo Paso
. Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 1995. An AP textbook which includes excerpts of the recommended AP authors used in this unit: Borges, García Lorca, and García Márquez.
Falcón, Rafael.
Lo Afronegroide en el cuento puertorrique–o
. Miami: Ediciones Personales, 1993. Very informative and insightful book about the African presence in Puerto Rican literature.
Valerie. Crosscurrents of Modernism: Four Latin American Pioneers
. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Press, 1992. I found this to be the best source of biographical information on Wifredo Lam and includes a solid explanation of santería and the african influences on his art. The section on Diego Rivera is also highly informative. The other two artists are Joaquín Torres-García and Matta.
Fuentes, Carlos.
El Espejo Enterrado
. Madrid: Santillana, S.A.,1997. The seminal book for this unit, which proposes and describes the central metaphor of the buried mirror. The book itself is difficult reading for students due to its unual organization and its overwhelming wealth of information, but useful for teachers who may select excerpts for student use.
• García Lorca, Federico.
Bodas de Sangre
; Yerma. México: Editorial Porrúa,1999. One of the three plays by García Lorca that students should read, whether in Spanish 4 Honors or AP Spanish.
• García Lorca, Federico.
La casa de Bernarda Alba
. Madrid: Castalla, 1990. Another play by García Lorca for recommended student reading.
• García Lorca, Federico.
Romancero Gitano
. New York: Penguin Books, 1996. Recommended reading for AP students of Spanish Language and Spanisih Literature, but I included this edition for a second reason: the cover is Malinche´s Dream by Antonio Ruiz.
• García Márquez, Gabriel.
Crónica de una muerte anunciada
. White Plains: Longman, 1996. This book makes García Márquez more accessible for high school students, with its biographical information, chapter by chapter student exercises and glossaries, and an AP section.
• Guillén, Nicolás.
Sóngoro Cosongo
. Buenos Aires: Editorial Losada,1992. This and the following two books comprise a collection of poems by Guillén which are recommended for student reading.
Guillén, Nicolás.
Summa poética
. edited by Luis I–igo Madrigal, Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 1990.
West Indies Ltd.
. La Habana: Imp. UCAR, García y Cia., 1934.
• Kanter, Abby.
Encuentros Maravillosos: Gramática a través de la literatura
. Glenview, Illinois: Scott Foreman Addison Wesley, 1995. A rich collection of short stories by the recommended AP authors, many of which I have used in my AP classes.
Lindsay, Arturo.
Santería Aesthetics in contemporary Latin American Art
. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996. An exciting and informative book for those teachers who want to read about the basics of Santería and how it has inspired artists of Latin America.
• Marqués, Sarah.
La lengua que heredamos
. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,1996. A very useful book for native speakers who need to refine their writing skills. It is organized by country and includes culture and literature as well as grammar exercises.
Martinez, Juan A. Cuban Art & National Identity (The Vanguardia Painters, 1927-1950) Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1994. Solid reading for teachers who want an overview of Cuban art during this period.
• Neruda, Pablo.
Selected Poems, A Bilingual Edition
. New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1970. A wonderful collection of Neruda´s poems, with several chosen for the themes of race and ethnicities of Latin America: Vienen por las islas, Amor América, y Alturas de Macchu Picchu. Another poem that my students read which is not found in this collection is Oda a la Papa, which extolls the potato, an american crop.
Pagolotti, Graziella.
Wifredo Lam
. La Habana: Editorial José Martí, 1997. Very useful book on Lam for those teachers who are seeking examples of his art, rather than biographical information. It includes more than 50 samples of this art.
Ramos Rosado, Marie. (1991).
La Mujer Negra en la Literatura puertorrique–a cuentística
. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico. http://www.fempress.cl-base-especialespecialmjpr-literat.htm. Doctoral dissertation examines the lack of black women as central figures in Puerto Rican literature, dating back to the 19th century and including the 20th century.
• Samaniego,Fabián et al.
Dime: Pasaporte al mundo 21
. Lexington.:D.C.Heath,1995. This textbook is one of the central textbooks for this unit and is referred to as Pasaporte. The textbook used at James Hillhouse High School for Spanish 4 Honors and for Native Speakers classes, as well as used as a reference for AP classes. Teachers may follow the sequence of the book, pick and choose chapters of interest, and use the excellent ancillary materials : listening audiocassettes and cultural videocassettes. The video includes a segment of Carlos Fuentes explaining the metaphor of the buried mirror, a central metaphor for unit.
• Valette, Rebecca M. and Joy Renjilian-Burgy.
Album: Cuentos del mundo hispánico
. Lexington: D.C. Heath and Company, 1993. A useful textbook to be used in Spanish AP classes. Includes the recommended AP authors.
Varona-Lacey, Gladys.
Introducción a la literatura Hispanoamericana: de la conquista al siglo XX.
. Lincolnswood: National Textbook Compny, 1997. Another exemplary anthology of Hispanic literature for teachers who want the overview. For this unit, it is useful in that it includes five selections of Borges and two selections of Carlos Fuentes and Gabriel García Márquez.
Virgilio, Carmelo L., Teresa Valdiviseso, and Edward H. Friedman.
Aproximaciones al estudio de la literatura hispánica
. 3rd. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. Includes literature from Spain and Latin America and is an excellent textbook of literary analysis for advanced Spanish students. A plus for AP Spanish students is the complete text of Federico García Lorca´s play,
La casa de Bernarda Alba
• Walqui-van Lier, Aída, and Ruth A. Barraza.
Sendas Literarias
. Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 1996. Highly recommended literary selections, to supplement Pasaporte textbook or any appropriate grammar textbook. I have found it useful for native speakers, Spanish 4 Honors, and AP Spanish classes.