Borges, Jorge Luis:
The Inner World of Jorge Luis Borges
(English, 28 minutes)
El Super
(a film about a Cuban´s dream of returning to Cuba) (Spanish with English subtitles.)(90 minutes)
Films for the Humanities and Sciences, P.O. Box 2053, Princeton, NJ, 0054-2052. A source for Spanish videos, with a website at
Fuentes, Carlos:
El Espejo Enterrado
, set of 5 videos (Spanish)
García Lorca, Federico:
The House of Bernarda Alba
, (English )
García Lorca, Federico:
Blood Wedding
(Flamenco dance, 82 minutes)
García Márquez, Gabriel:
A Miracle in Rome
( 76 minutes)
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
(90 minutes)
García Márquez, Gabriel:
An Interview with Gabriel García Márquez
. (59 minutes)
I am Cuba/ Soy Cuba
(Spanish with English subtitles, 141 minutes)
Multicultural Books and Videos. A source for Spanish videos, with a website at
Mundo 21
Video Program, ancillary to
Dime: Pasaporte al mundo 21
Rivera, Diego:
Portrait of an Artist
(Home Vision Videos)
Rivera, Diego:
The Frescoes of Diego Rivera