Aparicio, F. (1998).
Listening to salsa: Gender, latin popular music and Puerto Rican cultures
. Hanover, MA: New England University Press. This book is a description and an extensive analysis of the popular music of Puerto Rico.
Glasser, R. (1995).
My music is my flag: Puerto Rican musicians and the New York communities 1917-1940
. Berkley, CA: University of California Press. This is a historical work on Puerto Rican music. The author recalls a golden age of Puerto Rican music in New York.
Glasser, R. (1998).
Aqui me quedo: Puerto Ricans in Connecticut, Los Puertorrique–os en Connecticut
. New Haven, CT: Connecticut Humanities Council. This is a historical qualitative study conducted by the author in Connecticut. The author includes interviews as well as excellent analysis of the information gathered. It is written in both English and Spanish simultaneously.
Negron-Muntaner, F., & Grosfoguel, R. (Eds.). (1998).
Puerto Rican jam: Essays on culture and politics
. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. This is an anthology of essays that discuss Puerto Rican identity in terms of nationalism, colonialism, and beyond.
Santiago, E. (1993).
When I was Puerto Rican
. New York: Vintage Books. This is a work of fiction that evokes the Puerto Rican experience of migration and leaving the island, the culture, and the people behind.
Hermandad de artistas graficos de Puerto Rico (1998).
Puerto Rico: Arte e identidad
. San Juan, P. R.: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. This book contains a historical account of the plastic arts in Puerto Rico. It includes many images that portray the work of artist of different periods.