Yolanda U. Trapp
Alvarez, Julia.
How the García Girls Lost Their Accents
, New York: Penguin Group 1992. Fifteen interconnected stories, capture the threshold experience of the new immigrant where the past is not yet a memory and the future remains an anxious dream.
Ferré, Rosario,
Vecindarios Excéntricos
. Vintage Espa–ol, Vintage Books, New York, 1998. A story of men and women, of love and loss, during a period when the middle class of the island disappeared (Puerto Rico).
Santiago Esmeralda,
Cuando Era Puertorrique–a
, Vintage Espa–ol, Vintage Books, randon House Inc. 1994. The author describes her childhood and her life divided into two cultures and Languages, and memories of her family.