Bilingual And English As A Second Language: Program Guide 2000-2001
New Haven Public Schools, Tomas Miranda, Supervisor
Chamot, Anna Uhl. “Toward a Functional ESL Curriculum in the Elementary School.” In
Methodology in TESOL: A Book of Readings.
Ed. M.H. Long & J.C. Richards. Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 1987. 86-95. A few insights--something to show teachers you’re not alone out there. Everyone struggles with similar problems and challenges.
Coleman, Caroline.
Balancing Literacy: A Balanced Approach to Reading and Writing Instruction.
Huntington Beach, C.A.: Creative Teaching Press, 2001. A clear overview of the literacy program and how to implement it.
Cummins, Jim.
An Introductory Reader to the Writings of Jim Cummins.
Ed. Colin Baker and Nancy H. Hornberger. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters Ltd., 2001. Whether he goes by James or Jim, Cummins is the expert, with dozens of articles, thirteen books, and over 30 years’ experience in the field of second language acquisition. I’ve included this resource because it is rich and thirty years of reading in the ESL field in one volume boggles the mind.
Cummins, James. “Tests, Achievement, and Bilingual Students.”
Focus, 9
(1982): 1-5. Even studies conducted 20 years ago bear reading about today.
Cummins, James. “The Entry and Exit Fallacy in Bilingual Education.”
NABE Journal 4
, (1980): 25-60. Bilingual education in Canada, where it’s been going on for years, with Jim in the forefront. Pay special attention to the BICS/CALP discussions.
Eisele, Beverly.
Managing the Whole Language Classroom: A complete teaching resource guide for K-6 teachers.
Cypress, C.A.: Creative Teaching Press, Inc., 1991. 33. A great introduction to teaching across the curriculum explained in a clear prose with plenty of examples to simplify organization.
English as a Second Language and Bilingual Education: Higher Standards
. New Haven Public Schools.
Freeman, David E. and Yvonne S. Freeman.
Between Worlds: Access to Second Language Acquisition.
Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 1994. 109-135. Lots of anecdotes about real teachers in the classroom make this text useful.
Freeman, Donald. “Redefining the relationship between research and what teachers know.” In
Voices in the Language Classroom.
Ed. Kathleen M. Bailey and David Nunan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. 88-115.
is all about what’s happening in a variety of classrooms. Great reading.
Friedlander, Alexander. “Composing in English: effects of a first language on writing in English as a second language.” In
Second Language Writing: Research insights for the classroom
. Ed Barbara Kroll, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. 109-125. Kroll is an expert in the field, especially in second language writing; her ideas are worth adopting.
Grade Three: The First Six Weeks, A Guide to Establishing a Literacy Environment:
New Haven Public Schools, Imma Canelli, Department Chair for Literacy.
Huss, Rebecca L. “Young Children Becoming Literate in English as a Second Language.”
29, no. 4 (1995): 767-774. This article talks about how long it truly takes to learn a language .
Krapels, Alexandra Rowe. “An overview of second language writing process research.” In
Second Language Writing: Research insights for the classroom.
Ed. Barbara Kroll. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. 37-56. Interesting examples based on classroom research.
Krashen, Stephen and Tracy D. Terrell
. The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom.
Hayward, C.A.: The Alemany Press, 1983. 32-41. Basic reading for anyone who’d like an overview on how we learn a language--or rather
a language. This article is a classic in the field.
Mariconda, Barbara, and Dea Paoletta Auray.
Easy Art Activities That Spark Super Writing.
New York: Scholastic Professional Books, 2000. This book, as well as the six books (the first two are listed below) that comprise the Empowering Writers series, are essential to teaching writing. What is impressive? They make teaching and learning to write fun.
Mariconda, Barbara, and Dea Paoletta Auray.
Writing Entertaining Beginnings and Endings: Narrative Writing Book 1.
Easton: Empowering Writers, LLC, 1997.
Mariconda, Barbara, and Dea Paoletta Auray.
Writing Elaborative Detail and Description: Narrative Writing Book 2.
Easton: Empowering Writers, LLC, 1997.
Peyton, Joy Kreeft, and Leslee Reed.
Dialogue Journal Writing with Nonnative English Speakers: A Handbook for Teachers.
Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc., 1990. A great book on journal writing, especially because of the anecdotes and illustrations about teachers’ experiences and how they were able to inspire young children as well as teens to open up in their journals.
Wong, Harry K and Rosemary T. Wong.
How to Be an Effective Teacher The First Days of School.
Mountain View, C.A.: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc., 1998. This book was given to me by my supervisor when I was hired as a new teacher. There are also Harry Wong videos. He puts it all into perspective: the first day, the first week--everything from managing pencil sharpening to lesson planning.
Rigg, Pat. “Whole Language in TESOL.” In
State of the Art TESOL Essays.
Ed. Sandra Silberstein. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1993. 69-90. A useful, enlightening article in a collection of articles worth reading.