Apples for Health.Com. (2002). Good eating habits start young. [On-line.] Available: An article on how parents can and should pay attention to their eating habits as to their children eating habits. An alarming fact is put forth and is the fact children eat foods high in fat and sugar content.
Ask the Dietitian. (2002). Junk food is a slang word for foods with limited nutritional value. [On-line.] Available: A short article with a question posed to a dietitian: I’m hearing a lot about junk food lately. Can you give me a list of junk foods? It provides a clear explanation o how to read packaging labels to get the most nutritional foods.
Bowes, D. M. FOOD ADDITIVES. [On-line.] Available: This is an article on food additives, what kinds and how they named and classified.
Bumble Boosters. (2002). The Process of Scientific Inquiry. [On-line.] Available: A series of activities to help students with the process of scientific inquiry such as: Formulating a hypothesis and designing an experiment to test it are the first steps in all scientific inquiry.
Collins, K. (2002). Kids eating a call for help. Nutrition Notes, March. [On-line.] Available:
CRS. (2001). National Organic Standard Final Rule. A government document that explains organic farming rules.
CRS. (2001).
Food Safety Overview
Darling-Hammond, L., Wise, A. E., & Klein, S. P. (1999).
A license to teach: Raising standards for teaching
. Jossey-Bass, Inc. San Francisco: CA. This a book on teacher training, teacher delivery of subject matter, and recommendations for effective teaching practices implementation.
Department of Health. (1997). Health survey for England: The health of young people 1995-1997. [On-line.] Available: A report on a survey of health, findings show positive relationship between lower social class and eating foods high in fats and sugars.
Drexler, M. (2001).
Secret Agents
. Food Fight. Joseph Henry Press.
EPA. (2002).
Dursban Labe
l. This is a sample of the labels that toxic substances have been mandated. It is long and to the average person most of the language is foreign.
EPA. (2002). Fact Sheet:
Fish and Wildlife Advisories
. This a fact sheet on possible harms to fish and wild life.
Environmental News Service
. (2002). U.S. Pressures Europe to Drop GMO Labeling Rules.
Foltz-Gray, D. (2002). How to build a better pyramid.
, April. This is is a simple article on the food pyramid and nutrition. This article presents the point of view of a Harvard professor on nutrition and healthy living.
GAO. (2001).
Federal Oversight of Shellfish Safety Needs Improvement
Halweil, B. (2002). Farming in the Public Interest.
. Washington. D.C. This is an article that explains how the global economy impact our food supply and how contaminants not use in the U. S. farms make thewir way into our food supply via imported products.
Hinrichsen, J., Jarrett, D., & Peixotto, K. (1999).
Science inquiry for the classroom: A literature review
. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland. This article presents the possibilities to enhance learning using an.inquiry-based approach to teaching.
International Reading Association (IRA). (2002).
Second language literacy instruction: A position statement of the International Reading Association
. IRA Website; [Online]:
Johnson, S. L. (1999). Helping children eat right. Kid Source On Line. [On-line.] Available: This is a brief article on nutrition and eating habits.
Jonides, L. (2002). So you’ve got yourself a picky eater.
North Carolina Parenting Education Network, Vol. 4
, Issue 1, Winter. This is an article with recommendations on how parents can introduce healthy food to children and how parents can avoid making food a focal point of argument.
Killen, J. & Robinson, T. (2000).
Environmental influences on children’s food intake
. Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention, Stanford School of Medicine. [On-line.] Available: This is an article on the cultural and environmental influences on kids eating habits.
Leggio. (2001). Limitations on the Consumer’s Right to Know.
San Diego Law Review
. 38 San Diego L. Rev. 893. Secrecy in government and private sector limits the consumer’s rights to know. This article explains how is this possible.
Marks, J. (1993). Einstein and Frankenstein at play at Jurassic Park.
Discovery: The Magazine of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, 24
, 1. This is an article that explores the possibility of children becoming interested in scientific inquiry even though scientist are not perceived or portrayed as ordinary individuals. (2002). Food Contaminants; Agriculture, Chemicals, Pesticides, Metals. [On-line.] Available: An article on the major contaminants in our food supply such as: Pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides; Antibiotics and hormones in animal tissues; environmental contaminants.
Pellerin, C. (2000).
Spheres of Influence. Bioterror and Food. Environmental Health Perspective
108:3 March. An article on creative ways terrorist can use bacteria to attack our food supply or to promote illnesses.
Schlosser, E. (2000).
Fast food nation
. Houghton Mifflin. Chapter 5. The complete book is an interesting account of the development of the fast food industry. The chapter sited above is particularly interesting because is an account of the French fried commercial development.
The Alpha Nutrition. (2001). Changing a Child’s Diet: North American diets. [On-line.] Available: How some parents are responding to modern problems of additives and contaminants in our food supply?
Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited. (2002). The Science of creativity. [On-line.] Available: An article on the importance to allow learners to experience and challenge what they think to increase their scientific curiosity and creativity.
Tamborlane R. (1998).
Yale Guide to Children’s Nutrition
. Chapters: 3, 27 28. This book is a great resource on children nutrition. The chapter sited is a brief but effective description and explanation of children’s taste development and maturation.
Zolten, K., & Long, N. (1997). Ensene a sus ninos responsabilidad e independencia (Teaching children responsibility and independence). Center for effective parenting. [On-line.] Available:…0Concerns/Teaching%20Responsibility.htm This article gives you ideas on how to develop kids’ sense of responsibility by sharing chores and becoming responsible for their belongings.
Wan, P., C.R. Santerre and D.C. Deardorff. (2000). Linking solid phase extraction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to measure chlorpyrifos in fish tissue. Journal of Food Science. (in review) [On-line.] Available: An article on contaminants and the extraction of it from fish.
Wargo, J. (2002).
Food, environmental quality and health
. Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute Seminar. A seminar offered by the institute to increase teacher
awareness of environmental issues that affect the food supply.
Wargo, J. (1998).
Our Children’s Toxic Legacy
. Yale Press: New Haven. This book is an account of what contaminants are present in our food supply and how this could be address to prevent a worsen environment.
Weiswasser et. al. (2001). Genetically Modified Foods Raise New Legal Issues.
National Law Journal. 22
:44. Information on legal issues raised by genetically modified cropping.
Willett, W. (2002). Got fat? Exploding nutritional myths.
World Health News
. Harvard School of Public Health. Information on fat and its nutritional and harmful components.
World Health Organization. (2002).
Precautions against Sabotage of Water, Food and Other Products
. This is an article that explains the many ways terrorist could plant bacteria or contaminants in our food supply.