James P. Brochin
A. Learning Objectives-The students will be able to:
1. Evaluate the connection between the fear of heresy, which motivated the Medieval Inquisition, and the fear of world communist domination during the McCarthy Era and the Cold War.
2. Define "Iron Curtain," Communism, and the "Cold War";
3. Identify the Eastern European countries under Soviet domination on a map; and
4. Describe and evaluate Soviet totalitarianism
B. Standards Addressed: National Standards "World History Across the Ages-Standard 1"; Connecticut Frameworks Content Standard 5 (United States Constitution and Government) and Content Standard 3 (Historical Themes)
C. Physical Arrangement: Modified V
D. Instructional Materials: 1) VCR 2) Student textbook, 3) chalkboard, 4) videotapes;
E. Student Groupings: individual and groups of five
F. Initiation Strategy: The teacher review the unit lessons so far: background and historical reasons for First, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments. The teacher explains their relationship to problems posed by Soviet totalitarianism and anti-Communist fear, and the McCarthy Era that we are to discuss in detail.
G. Lesson Strategy:
1. The teacher plays a tape of Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech.
2. The teacher shows about 15 minutes of
The Atomic Café.
3. The teacher leads a discussion of the Iron Curtain speech and
The Atomic Cafe
4. Teacher discusses the essential points about Soviet totalitarianism, including repression of dissent, outlawing of religion, persecution of the intelligentsia, labor camps in Siberia, forced collectivization and famine in the Ukraine.
5. Closure: Teacher summarizes the plot of Ray Bradbury's
Fahrenheit 451
6. Homework: Students are asked to read about 20 pages of Ray Bradbury's book
Fahrenheit 451
, and are asked to answer the following questions:
a. Describe the society of runaways who are living in the woods.
b. Describe the task they have chosen for themselves and the reasons for it.
c. If you were among the outcasts, what book or other type of writing would you choose to "become" and why? Write a one-page essay, including a short segment of the book you'd want to become, and tell why you chose it and how you go about memorizing it. Memorize a full paragraph and be prepared to recite it for the class.