Barbara K. Smith
Colonial Clothing and Textiles
The student will recognize:
1. fabrics came from natural sources.
2. fabrics had to be either made or purchased from England.
3. many steps from a sheep to a woolen fabric.
4. many steps from planting flax to linen.
5. people had few items of clothing.
6. a variety of sewing tools were needed to make clothes.
7. clothing construction was very slow; a person usually only got one or two new garment each year.
8. worn clothing was often taken apart and reassembled, using only the good material, for smaller garments.
9. clothing was regularly mended to extend its life.
10. all garments were not cleaned routinely; some garments were actually worn to protect others (aprons, scarves).
11. sewing was done mostly by women and girls.
12. men sewed leather for farm tools.
13. some men were weavers.
14. Children’s clothing was usually handed down from older siblings.
Methods of Instruction
- Discussion with diagrams of the steps and tools of making wool and linen textiles.
- Examples of wool and linen in various stages of production. Students should handle and imagine wearing such fabrics. How would they feel?
- Illustrations of outfits worn by men, women, boys, girls and babies.
- Examples of various garments. Students should handle and try on if possible.
Project – Small Bag with Cord Tie
Materials needed: Rectangular pieces of linen or linen type fabric, needles, thread, scissors and yarn.
Procedure: 1. Fold down about 1/2” on one long side of rectangle. 2. Use a running stitch to keep the fold in place. 3. Fold rectangle in half. 4. Stitch one side and bottom of the bag. The folded edge is the top of the bag. 5. Use an appropriate length of twisted or plain yarn to make a cord. 6. Attach cord, with a few stitches, to the side seam of the bag. Tie around bag to close.
Take Home Packet
- Diagram of sheep to wool. Fabric sample attached.
- Diagram of flax to linen. Fabric sample attached.
- Illustrations of a boy and a girl in everyday dress – to be colored.
- Related vocabulary words – to be defined.