What Do I Want To Do?
Show the student what happens to the temperature of ice water as we change it to liquid water and then to boiling water.
How Well Do I Want To Do It?
Have the student realize that temperature does rise steadily when changing state.
How Will I Do This?
(Before class the teacher should time how long it takes for the ice water to reach the boiling point. The time will depend o your heat source. You can then tell the student what time intervals you want them to use for their data table.)
1. Have the students add ice to their water and stir gently, do not use the thermometer as a stirrer.
2. Record the temperature on the data chart when it appears the temperature will not go any lower.
3. Place the ice water over your heat source and record the temperature in your data table at the selected time intervals.
4. Using your data table construct a line graph.
How Will I Evaluate What I Have Done?
If their graphs looks something like the one below, then they have satisfied the goal.
(image available in print form)