“How Do Oysters Make Pearls,” 1998 - 2003 HowStuffWorks,Inc.http://www.howstuffworks.com/question630.html
Access (14 Mar.2003)
An interesting website that will provide additional information on oysters and the pearls they produce.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., www.britannica.com,
This entry provides an excellent summary of oysters including their physical makeup, nutritional and environmental needs. It is a good beginning for research on this subject.
New Haven Colony Historical Society. “Shallops, Sloops and Sharpies,” New Haven, Connecticut: New Haven Colony Historical Society, 1976.
An excellent little volume that will be of interest to students who are interested in the history of New Haven shipping and the oyster industry.
Townshend, Doris B. Fair Haven, “A Journey Through Time,” New Haven, Connecticut: New Haven Colony Historical Society, 1976.
A well-written and informative book on New Haven. It contains a wonderful chapter on the oyster industry in Fair Haven.