Objective: To introduce elaborative detail as a way to describe an object.
Materials: Chart paper, large markers, writing paper and pencils, drawing paper, crayons, “Frog Princess” in
The Crimson Elf: Italian Tales of Wisdom
by Michael J. Caduto.
Procedure: 1. After reading
Frog Princess
go back to reread the sections of the story describing the fabric woven by the princesses. Pass around samples of fabric of different sorts to help students appreciate the wide variety than can be found.
2. Using large chart paper, create a web with outreaching lines that divide the paper into many sections. Write questions above each section such as:
What is the texture of the cloth?
What colors are in it?
What is it decorated with?
How heavy is it?
What is the fabric made of?
What could be made out of it?
Is it similar to any fabric you have seen before?
Is it delicate for durable?
3. Have students work in small groups, each using a different kind of fabric. Have them turn their ideas into complete sentences using such sentence starters as:
The fabulous fabric had...
It was the color of...
I stared at...
It was decorated with...
I loved the...
Around the edges were...
It seemed to be made of...
4. Tell the students that they will now imagine that they have been asked to weave the most incredible fabric for the king. They will be painting a picture with words and are to use the charts on display to help them write a description with lots of elaboration. Students write their descriptions and then draw a picture that matches their written description.
5. Display the students’ work in the classroom.
(Adapted from a lesson in
Easy Art Activities that Spark Super Writing
Dea Paoletta Auray and Barbara Mariconda).