Susan S. Van Biersel
The overall goal of this unit is to explore different fossil fuel sources, present-day usage of fossil fuels, and the impact they have on the environment. We will also investigate alternatives to fossil fuels, and possible solutions to the negative impacts fossil fuels have on the environment. Students will explore simple engine models. There will be significant emphasis placed on trying to open the students’ eyes to the critical energy situation we are in today, and how it will impact their lives if not seriously addressed.
The unit has been designed for a ninth and tenth grade Earth Science section, however, with modifications could easily lend itself to most any level science curriculum. Parts of the unit could also be molded to fit into a twentieth century history class, examining changes in American life since the industrial revolution and the advent of the automobile. A political science curriculum might incorporate sections of the unit as they examine the domestic and international implications of energy policies.
This unit will closely follow the standards set forth by the New Haven Public Schools science curriculum. Under content standard SRC 9-10.1, scientific inquiry, this unit will address the following points:
- Students will be able to identify questions and that can be answered through scientific investigation
- Students will be able to seek relevant information in books, magazines and electronic sources of information.
- Students will be able to use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze and interpret data.
The unit will also address the following standards set forth under standard SRC 9-10.2, literacy in science education:
- Students will be able to communicate ideas and support arguments about science-related matters using relevant science vocabulary, evidence and logic.
- Students will be able to develop the interpretive, analytical and critical capacities needed for reading and writing various scientific texts.
Specifically, these content standards will be learned and used within the following strands:
1. High School Science Strand I: Alternative Energy Sources: HIS.3: How can we meet global energy needs?
2. High School Science Strand II: A Balanced Environment: HSII.3: The environment-how can we sustain its health?
3. High School Science Strand IV: Organic & Synthetic Polymers: HSIV: Carbon: what makes it the building block of organic and synthetic materials?
4. High School Science Strand VI: Understanding Evolution: HSVI.2: Earth history: how and what can we learn from it?