Stephen P. Broker
A Photographic Collection of Environmental Subject Matter (in digital format and, where possible, printed form)
A Collection of Photographs of Key Figures in the American Environmental Movement, including:
Henry David Thoreau: 3a02153r.jpg> images-1_1.jpg>
George Perkins Marsh: photo-gpmarsh3.gif> 06781r.jpg>
John Muir: images-27.jpg>
John Muir and Theodore Roosevelt: images-14.jpg>
Theodore Roosevelt: 3c16511v.jpg> "The Nation's Chief before the Forest King - President Roosevelt in Big Tree Grove, Santa Cruz, California" (stereograph view)
Aldo Leopold: images-4.jpg>
Rachel Carson: images.jpg>
Edward O. Wilson: images-8.jpg>
Map of Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, California, Mariposa County. United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1958. (Scale 1:24,000)