Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo is the long name for Tikki Tikki Tembo. This is a famous story in elementary schools. Arlene Mosel claims that she retells an old Chinese folktale about how the people of China came to give their children short names after traditionally giving their "first and honored" sons grand, long names. In fact though, Tikki Tikki Tembo is not a Chinese name. An example of a Chinese name would be Chen, Jong, Lin, Huang, Zhang, Liu or Tzai; just to name a few. It is important for the students to realize the story is fiction. Tikki Tikki Tembo (which means "the most wonderful thing in the whole wide world") and his brother Chang (which means "little or nothing") get into trouble when one of them falls into a well. They are saved by the Old Man with the Ladder.
New Haven Strands are listed in Appendix 1. Some strands are listed below and questions that the teacher might ask.
- Students will select and use relevant information from the text in order to summarize events and/or ideas in the text. (A3)
- Chose an invention from China and explain why it is important to the world.
- Use stated or implied evidence from the text to draw and/or support a conclusion. (B3)
- Why do you think the Emperors were the only ones allowed to wear yellow?
- Select, synthesis and/or use relevant information within a written work to write a personal response to the text. (C2)
- Have you ever wanted to go to China? Write about why or why not.
- Demonstrate an awareness of an author's or character's customs and beliefs included in the text. (D3)
- Do you think the author actually went to China? Why or why not?
Appendix 1
1. Identify the main idea in a source of historical information.
2. Read, view and listen to multiple sources that reflect the diversity of culture.
3. Construct a model or map of a region.
4. Read, view and listen to multiple sources concerning history.
5. Students will demonstrate strategic writing skills before, during and after writing.
6. Students will demonstrate strategic reading skills before, during and after reading.
7. Utilize resources to expand understanding (computer).
Language Arts Strands
A. Forming a General Understanding
- To select and use relevant information from the text in order to summarize events and ideas
- To use information from the text to make a prediction
- To use context clues to determine meaning of unknown
B. Developing an Interpretation
C. To identify or infer the author's use of structure
- To use state or implied evidence from the text to draw a conclusion
D. Connecting and Responding
- To make connections between text and personal experiences
- To select, synthesize and use relevant information to write a personal response
E. Connecting Structure and Content
- To analyze and evaluate the author's craft including literary devices
- To select, synthesis, and relevant information within a written work to extend or evaluate work
- Demonstrate an awareness of the author's customs and beliefs included in text
Appendix 2
Panda Activity: The students that are interested in animals may research and write a report about Pandas and why they are an endangered species. A recommended site for students to review through the computer is http://www.imax.com/chinapanda/ .
Appendix 3
Weapon Activity: Students who are interested in identifying the weapons mentioned above can search images on www.ask.com/images or www.aol.com/images to look for pictures comparing the weapons and discussing what they might be used for as a means of protection in Ancient China.
Appendix 4
Confucius Back ground: CONFUCIUS (551 BC-479 BC)
Confucius's real name was Kong Qiu/Kung Fuzi. He lived in China and was a teacher. Confucius became a teacher and traveled from town to town to teach people his philosophy. He believed all people should obey their parents and perform rituals correctly.
Confucius Activity
: Students may want to research several different "Confucius says" statements such as: "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand" to discuss what they mean and their own interpretation. An accurate translation can be found on Http://www.4literature.net/confucius/Analects/.
Appendix 5
Marco Polo Activity: Students may want to learn the Marco Polo water game. Although there might not be a swimming pool in every school, this activity can also be utilized in the playground area, ideally in a small fenced in area. Three or more students are needed to play this game with one person as "It". That person has their eyes closed and yells out "Marco". The others answer "Polo". The "It" person has to swim or run to tag the student and say "Polo." The person tagged then becomes "It".