Abercrombie, Thomas. "Ibn Battuta, Prince of Travelers. National Geographic,
Dec.1991, Vol. 180, No. 4, pg. 2-50.This article is very informative, it provides detailed information.
Abraham, Henry and Pfeffer, Irwin. Enjoying Global History, Revised. New York: Amsco School Publications, Inc. 2006
Broadhurst, R.J.C. The Travels of Ibn Jubayr
London, 1952.Translation of his travels, great details, interesting reading.
Collins, Robert. Africa a Short History.
Princeton: Markus Wiener Publishers, 2006
A quick read with many facts.
Dunn, Ross. The Travels of Ibn Battuta, A Muslim Traveler in the 14th Century. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.
Ebray, Patricia, A Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization,
2nd.edition, Free Press, New York, New York, 1993. College textbook
Falk, Toby.ed. Treasures of Islam.
Tabard Press. New York, New York, 1985. Great visuals, discuss the formation of Islamic art
Gibb, H.A.R.Ibn Battuta, Travels in Asia and Africa, 1325-1354.New Delhi: Musnshiran Manoharlal Publishers, Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, 1986.If you read any book on Ibn Battuta this is the one with the most concise information.
Hamdun, Said and King, Thomas. Ibn Battuta in Black Africa.Princeton: Markus Wiener Publishers, 2003. The focus of this book is his travels in Africa.
Lewis, Bernard. A Middle East Mosaic Fragments of Life, Letters and History. New York: Modern Library, 2001. This book is very interesting it presents various primary sources and also provides examples of stereotyping.
Mackintosh-Smith Tim. Travels With A Tangerine From Morocco to Turkey in the Footsteps of Islam's Greatest Traveler.
New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2001.Enjoyable story of one man's journey as he follows in Ibn Battuta footsteps.
Quammen, David. Africa.National Geographic, Special Issue.
Sept. 2005, pgs.2-122.
Reader, John. A Biography of the Continent Africa.
New York: Vintage Books, Division of Random House, 1997.Historical information on African, great reference.
The Travels of Ibn Battuta in the Near East, Asia and Africa 1325-1354. Translated and Edited by Rev. Samuel Lee. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, 2004. Could not use, a long read.