J. Robert Osborne
Habeas Corpus and Lincoln Unit
Adams, Charles,
When in the Course of Human Events,
Rowman and Littlefield,
Lanham Boulder New York Toronto Oxford 2005
This book by Adams skillfully presents the Southern perspective on the exercise of Federal power.
Burt, Robert,
The Constitution in Conflict
, Belknap Press of Harvard University
Press, Cambridge London 1992
Robert Burt comprehensively depicts the tensions between events and Constitutional Law throughout American history.
Carwardine, Richard,
LINCOLN A Life of Purpose and Power,
Vintage Books
Division of Random House, New York 2007
Carwardine’s book won the Lincoln Prize and it tells his story well from the very beginning. Chapter Six is particularly relevant to this curriculum.
Farber, Daniel,
Lincoln’s Constitution
, University of Chicago Press, Chicago
London 2003
Farber’s entire book is dedicated to the study of President Lincoln and the myriad of constitutional issues that were important in his wartime presidency.
Friedman, Lawrence M., A History of American Law, A Touchstone Book
Simon and Schuster, New York London 2005
Goodwin, Doris Kearns,
Team of Rivals,
Simon and Schuster, New York
London 2005
Goodwin’s book has many insights into Lincoln the politician.
Hawes, Robert Jr.,
One Nation, Indivisible?,
Fultus TM Books, 2006
This is another book that represents the position of the state and each state’s right to determine its own political future regardless of the will of the Federal Government.
Levy, Leonard W.,
Origins of the Bill of Rights
, Yale Nota Bene Yale University
Press, New Haven and London 2001
There is an excellent chapter on the writ of habeas corpus that discusses its historical origins and its role in protecting individuals from unlawful imprisonment.
McPherson, James,
Battle Cry of Freedom
, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1988
This book is an excellent panoramic recounting of the entire course of the Civil War.
Miller, William Lee,
President Lincoln, The Duty of a Statesman,
Alfred A. Knopf
New York 2008
Simon, James,
Lincoln and Chief Justice Taney,
Simon and Schuster Paperbacks
New York and London
Simon’s explanation of the legal and political controversy over the suspension of habeas corpus depicts Taney as a complex character.
Stone, Geoffrey,
Perilous Times Free Speech in Wartime
, WW Norton and Company
New York and London 2004
This is a must read for every teacher of American history.