Breaking Down Fences -- Revealing The Past
Waltrina Kirkland-Mullins
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Give FeedbackPart 1: Setting the Tone
Motivating young learners to embrace a social studies unit may prove uninviting to today’s computer-and-Wii-generation. Nevertheless, making such a unit enticing can be achieved by introducing it in an engaging manner:
“Boys and girls! Today marks the beginning of an unforgettable adventure-one
that allows us to transport ourselves into the past despite the fact that we live in the
century! Before we take this exciting journey, we must remember this special
term: material culture! That is what we will be examining. In this instance, we
will look at specific objects that have been (and continue to be) used in our
everyday lives-yet we often take them for granted! Through our adventure, we
will become junior researchers and historians; when we are through, we will
discover a rich and revealing story to share with others! This week marks the
beginning of our study. Initially, we will need much walking stamina, a few
pencils, informational notepad, and keen observational skills. Are you ready to
partake in this adventure?…”
By setting such an engaging prelude, the response will be a unanimous “YES!”
The discussion later continues, emphasizing that we each will develop our logical thinking skills and exploratory know-how by examining our material culture focus-fences. Upon examining lifestyles in each of the four noted centuries, focus questions to be addressed are to include:
1. Was there a need for fences? If so, during what time period and why?
2. Where are the gates/fences situated, and why may they have been stationed in that locale?
3. From what materials were fences created? Were used materials reflective of social status? Cultural status? Economic status?
4. Who may have crafted the utilitarian objects?
5. Do shapes and forms within the fences/gates differ? If so, how? What might those differences indicate?
6. Were there any symbolic meanings behind the fences?
7. What feelings are evoked when you experience the fence/gate (exclusion, restriction, inclusion, receptiveness, poverty, elitism…)