Carlisle, Janice, ed. Charles Dickens. Great Expectations. New York: Bedford/St. Martin, 1996. The complete text separated in parts as Dickens's readers read it together with a very interesting study of contemporary criticism.
Cohen, Kerry. "The Breakups That Got under My Skin." New York Times. 27 July, 2008, (accessed April 20, 2009). Interesting analysis of difficult relationships.
Diyanni, Robert, ed. One Hundred Essays. New York: Penguin Academics, 2008. Collection of essays written by various authors from different time periods.
McQuade, Donald, and Christine McQuade, ed. Seeing & Writing 3. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2006. Interesting text for the teaching of composition and the interpretations of visual images
Nelaii,ed."The Time Traveler's Wife," (accessed May 10, 2009). Video clip representing the feelings of a woman in a relationship.