American Psychological Association (2009). Medical News Today Retrieved from This article examines how addiction is not merely a physical condition but a psychological one as well.
Brain Guide (2007). Brain Nutrition. Retrieved from
This website provides much insight into how to optimize brain function through daily nutrition.
Bransford, J. & Brown, A. & Cocking, R. (1999). How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.
Carper, J. ( 2000). Your Miracle Brain. New York: Harper Collins.
This book gives much insight into how to optimize brain function through daily nutrition.
Chudler, E. (2009). Neuroscience For Kids. Retrieved from This website provides an extreme amount of information regarding neurology in kid friendly terms. It also houses many lesson ideas for teachers and online games and tutorials.
Dupont, R. (1997). The Selfish Brain, Learning from Addiction. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Press. A fantastic resource for teachers interested in learning how the brain is the control center of the body. It also outlines everything from basic brain function and how learning takes place to how addiction changes the chemical structure of the brain.
Friedman, D. (1990). Focus on Drugs and the Brain. Frederick, MD: Twenty First Century Books. A kid friendly resource that teaches children the dangerous affects of drugs, how they affect the brain, and why children, whose brains are continually developing into their twenties should "Just Say No."
Genetic Science Learning Center (2009). How Neurons Talk to Each Other. Retrieved from
This is an incredible resource and animation for students and teachers alike that teaches what happens in the brain on a cellular level. The animation gives a step by step look at how neurons communicate.
Goldman, S. (2007). The Merck Manuals- Online Medical Library. Retrieved from An online medical library provided to give information about existing medical conditions and the symptoms and treatment involved. Not designed for self diagnosis, merely for research.
Hughes, J. (1999). Altered States, Creativity Under the Influence. New York: Watson Guptill Publications.
This is an interesting book for adults, in that it traces the lives and works of artists and musicians who at some point were under the influence of drugs or alcohol. By looking at their creations the author makes correlations as to how the brain was affected by the stimulants used.
Kuhn, C. & Swartzwelder, S. & Wilson, W. (1998). Buzzed. New York : WW Norton and Company. An extremely informative guide book that outlines many common illicit drugs how they are used and what they do to the brain.
Merriam Webster (2009). Retrieved from Online dictionary.
National Institute on Drug Abuse, (2009) The NIDA Junior Scientist Program Retrieved from This website is a great teacher resource in that it provides background information on various drugs, their affect on the brain and body.
National Institute of Health. Diagram of a Synapse in the Brain (2009). Retrieved from: Provides easy to understand diagrams and text about how neurons send and receive messages at the synapse which is one aspect of how we learn.
Nemours Foundation (2009). Scientist Teacher Education Partnership Program (STEPP) Retrieved from An informative website that targets students and teachers alike by providing a plethora of information and lesson plans guiding children to make healthy decisions, throughout their developing years.
Orwell, M. (2009). E-How- How To Do Just About Everything How does Aspirin Affect the Body? Retrieved from An interesting article about the uses of aspirin and how it affects the body via the brain.
Rankin, J. (1975). Alcohol, Drugs and Brain Damage. Ontario: Addiction Research Foundation. This is a basic book that outlines brain anatomy in kid friendly language and shows through text and diagrams how alcohol and drugs affect the brain.
Sacks, O. (1985). The Man Who Mistook His Wife for A Hat. NY, NY: Simon and Schuster.
A interesting series of case studies, encountered by Dr. Sacks that reveal the lives of some of his patients and how disease has affected their brain, therefore causing many physical and emotional disabilities to the body and mind.
Scholastic Inc. (2009). Genetics and Addiction. Retrieved from A child friendly online resource that looks at what addiction is, its serious consequences, and how it can be treated.
University of Wisconsin-Madison (2008). How Ritalin Works In Brain To Boost Cognition, Focus Attention. Science Daily. Retrieved from
An interesting article that looks at Ritalin and how it affects the "wiring" of the brain to better enable someone with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, focus.
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (2009). NIA Human Brain Drawing. Retrieved from Provides easy to understand diagrams of the anatomy of the brain.
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (2009). Diagram the Brain. Retrieved from Provides easy to understand diagrams of the anatomy of the brain.