1. Susan Bilyeu, "Louise Nevelson Working with Found Objects," Scholastic Art Magazine, (March 1995), 8-9.
2. Margaret Howlett, "African American Sculptors Featuring Betye and Alison Saar," Scholastic Art Magazine, (March 1998), 6-7.
3. Mark Twain, Following the Equator (Hartford: American Publishing Company, 1897)
4. National Recycling Coalition website. http://www.nrc-recycle.org/ (accessed April 2,
5. Connecticut Recyclers Coalition website, http://www.ctrecyclers.org/
6. National Recycling Coalition website. http://www.nrc-recycle.org/ (accessed April 2, 2010)
7. Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection website http://www.ct.gov/dep/cwp/view.asp?a=2714&q=324896&depNav_GID=1645&depNav (accessed April 6, 2010)
8. Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection website http://www.ct.gov/dep/cwp/view.asp?a=2714&q=324896&depNav_GID=1645&depNav
(accessed April 6, 2010)
9. America Recycles Day website http://www.americarecyclesday.org/ (accessed May 26, 2010)
10. America Recycles Day website http://www.americarecyclesday.org/ (accessed May 26, 2010)
11. National Recycling Coalition website. http://www.nrc-recycle.org/ (accessed April 22, 2010)