Environmental Protection Agency website http://www.epa.gov/. A great resource for both teachers and students, well organized and many statistics and games for students of all ages. (accessed March 25, 2010)
Waste Resource Conservation Reduce, Reuse, Recycle http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/conserve/rrr/reduce.htm. An excellent resource for teachers and students in that it gives many ways to reduce, reuse and recycle both personally and in the workplace, etc. (accessed March 25, 2010)
Recycle Santa Fe Art Festival website http://www.Recyclesantafe.org.
Website has photos of a trash and fashion show contest and a student art exhibit. (accessed March 22, 2010)
Recology San Francisco Artist in Residence Program website http://www.Sunsetscavenger.com/AIR. An interesting look into the Artist in Residence program and community outreach. The artist uses items from the San Francisco waste stream to create art and uses this art to educate the public. (accessed March 20, 2010)