Apruebo,Roxel A.. Applied Consumer Psychology. first ed. Sampaloc: Rex Book Store, 2005.
Applied Consumer Psychology is a text book loaded with great information about the information gathered by marketers to advertise to consumers. An entire course could be taught through the material presented in this text.
Chin, Elizabeth. Purchasing Power. Minnesota:University of Minnesota Press, 2001.
This ethnography is an enlightening look at the economic disparity in New Haven. It highlights the scarcity issue presented to the young.
Haugtvedt, Curtis P.. Handbook of consumer psychology. New York: Psychology Press, 2008.
LaFeber, Walter. Michael Jordan and the new Global Capitalism. New York, London: W. W. Norton, 1999.
This book gives us a narrative about how basketball in general and Michael Jordan in specific effect the global economy and force our economic choice in a very strong way. A teacher could use sections of this text to excite students about the topic.
Mullen, Brian. The Psychology of Consumer Behavior. Hillsdale: LEA publishers, 1990.
Pleck, Elizabeth H. Celebrating the Family: Ethnicity, Consumer Culture, and Family Rituals. Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2000.
This is a multicultural history of the American family celebration and how consumerism has affected it. This is a good source of information detailing the process of American culture rather then the individual being changed because of consumerism.
Schor, Juliet B.. Born to Buy. New York: Scribner, 2004.
This book is a good resource for teachers to gain knowledge about consumer culture affecting Americans at all ages.
Shultz, Daniel P.. A History of Modern Psychology. seventh ed. Sydney Ellen Shultz. Fort Worth: Harcourt College Publishers, 2000.
This book has been praised for its comprehensive coverage and biographical approach. Focusing on modern psychology, the text's coverage begins with the late 19th century. The authors personalize the history of psychology not only by using biographical information on influential theorists, but also by showing how major events in those theorists' lives have affected the authors' own ideas, approaches, and methods. A great resource for any psychology teacher.
Wade ,Carol. Invitation to Psychology. Fourth ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, INC., 2008.
This Is the text book that will be used for student reading, as well as most of the basic Psychology background knowledge needed for students.
Wanke, Micheala. Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior. New York: Psychology Press, 2009.
The range of topics covered in this book is broad including the construal of judgments and decisions, affective and cognitive feelings, social and media influences, and goals and self-regulation; each chapter is focused on one specific theoretical or methodological perspective and thereby gives a comprehensive and penetrating account of the relevant issues and the respective research.