Eldritch Press. "A Wonder Book for Boys and Girls." The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Houghton Mifflin & Company. http://www.eldritchpress.org/nh/wbpf.html. (accessed July 5, 2010). A children's book of Greek mythology.
Eldritch Press. "The Tanglewood Tales." The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Houghton Mifflin & Company. http://www.eldritchpress.org/nh/tt.html. (accessed July 5, 2010). A children's book of Greek Mythology.
Garland Publishing, Inc. "Ceres/Circe." From Chaucer Name Dictionary. http://www.columbia.edu/dlc/garland/deweever/C/ceres/htm. (assessed July 5, 2010). An online resource where Ceres name appears and her character is discussed, as it was used in Chaucer's work.
Kansas State University. "Literary Criticism Map." Department of English. http://wwww.ksu.edu.sa/colleges/art/eng/461-Eng/Literary%20Criticism%20Map.htm. (accessed July 5, 2010). A useful map of various forms of literary criticism in relation to one another.