Caulkins,Lucy M. The Art of Teaching Writing. 2nd ed. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann, 1994. Caulkins describes how students emerge as writers as they progress from primary grades to middle school. Mini-lessons for teaching author's craft as well as grammar and structure are described in detail.
Dierking,Connie C. and Susan A. McElveen. Teaching Writing Skills with Children's Literature. Gainsville, FL: Maupin House, 1998. Authors present an overview of the writing process including brainstorming, composing, revising, editing, and publishing. There are step by step instructions for holding writing workshops, teaching mini-lessons, conferencing, and sharing.
Fact Monster Homework Center: Narrative Essays
." (accessed 4/16/2011). A useful website for teachers and students. It gives an overview of the components of a narrative essay, how to write an interesting piece, and a sample essay.
Lane, Barry. after THE END Teaching and Learning Creative Revision. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann, 1993. Lane draws from his own experience as a teacher and writer, giving practical and creative ideas for lessons that encourage students to write.
Literary Devices
." (accessed 6/29/2011). This website lists several literary devices as well as links for using literary devices in written compositions and how to teach students to use them.
McQuade, Christine, and Donald McQuade. Seeing and Writing 4.4th ed. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010. McQuade and McQuade created an anthology of short written works by various authors that were inspired or paired with iconic, cultural images.
(accessed 4/16/2011). This website is very useful for teachers and students who need to quickly reference the meaning of key words used in the writing process
Noden, Harry R. Using Grammatical Structures to Teach Writing.Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann, 1999. Noden explains the writing process using artists' terms, while teaching mini-lessons and explaining author's craft.
Pearson Education, "
Infoplease: 100 best first lines of novels
." (accessed 5/18/2011). this website is an excellent place to reference famous first lines of novels. This can inspire students to create their own interesting starting lines in their narrative writing.
Project Gutenberg
." 7/1/2011). This website gives free access to rare literary works that are no longer available in hard copy.
Renwick USD 267 4th and 5th grade writing links
." (accessed 4/16/2011). This website is useful for teachers and students. It gives links for graphic organizers, specific writing instruction, and writing samples to be used as models for student writing assignments.
Roth,Sharon. "
Readwritethink: Using Picture Books to Teach Characterization in Writing Workshop
." (accessed 5/21/2011). A Teacher-created website that gives step by step instructions for teaching characterization to early writers using picture books. Site includes links to booklists, graphic organizers, and story maps for students with limited reading ability.
." (accessed 5/15/2011). Students can use this website, that accesses social media and other links for creating stories to organize ideas for writing narratives.
Witherell,Nancy L., and McMackin,Mary C. Teaching Vocabulary Through differentiated Instruction With Leveled Graphic Organizers.New York: Scholastic, 2009. This booklet gives tiered lesson plans for teaching vocabulary in a series of mini-lessons using reproducible graphic organizers.
Witherell,Nancy L., and McMackin,Mary C. Teaching Writing Through differentiated Instruction With Leveled Graphic Organizers.New York: Scholastic, 2009. This booklet gives tiered lesson plans for teaching writing in a series of mini-lessons using reproducible graphic organizers.