National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. "Understanding Microbes: in Sickness and in Health."
NIH Publication
, no. 09-4914 (2009).This is a publication of the NIAID and covers basics about microbes such as: how microbes make us sick, immunity, types of microbes, infectious diseases, treatment, and prevention.
Rogers, Michael. "The Double-Edged Helix."
Rolling Stone Magazine
. March 23, 1976.This is one of the first articles published about HeLa cells and the controversy over the use of Henrietta Lacks' cells in science without the consent of her family.
"Smallest Thing." American Association for the Advancement of Science. Last modified 2013. This website has lesson plans that talk about microbes, specifically viruses and the question of whether they can be considered living things. The website includes articles, questions and lesson ideas.
Skloot, Rebecca.
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.
New York: Broadway Paperbacks, 2010.This book is used as the backdrop for this unit. Skloot details the life of Henrietta Lacks and the contributions her cells have made to science, as well as the controversy her family has become a part of with the use of her cells without their knowledge.