Baker-Bell, April. Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and Pedagogy. New York, NY: Routledge, 2020. This book presents an overview of Dr. Baker-Bell's theories of Anti-Black Linguistic Racism, how it might present in the high-school classroom, and pedagogical moves to counter Anti-Black Linguistic Racism.
Barry, Lynda. What It Is. Montréal, Qc: Drawn & Quarterly, 2017. This book is as much a piece of art as it is a handbook providing a wide range of questions, vignettes and ideas that can apply to a variety of creative contexts.
“BIO.” Clotilde Jiménez. Accessed July 5, 2021. The artists’ personal website with samples of work and basic biographical information.
Chavez, Felicia Rose. The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop: How to Decolonize the Creative
Classroom. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books, 2021. Aimed mostly at those teaching creative writing at the college level, this text contains a multitude of interesting concepts for teachers at all levels to consider with regard to anti-racist pedagogy in the space of a humanities classroom.
“Clotilde Jimenez - Biography.” Mariane Ibrahim Gallery. Accessed July 1, 2021. This site is maintained by the
gallerist Mariane Ibrahim and contains information about a number of artists including Clotilde Jimenez.
Graff, Gerald, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russel K. Durst. "They Say/I Say": The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing, with Readings. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, 2015. This is a useful composition handbook for teachers and students looking for concrete examples for how to improve their academic writing.
Hale, Constance. Sin and Syntax: How to Craft Wicked Good Prose. New York, N: Three Rivers Press, 2013.
This is a book on the craft of writing – useful for teachers looking for clearly written advice and
suggestions that can be adapted for a variety of contexts in the high school English classroom.
Kendi, Ibram X. “Why the Academic Achievement Gap Is a Racist Idea.” AAIHS. African American
Intellectual History Society, October 20, 2016. gap-is-a-racist-idea/. An article outlining the racist history of the standardized testing movement.
Levy, Morris, Richard Alba, and Dowell Myers. “The Myth of a Majority-Minority America.” The
Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, June 13, 2021. An article about complex nature of the changing demographics in the United States.
McCann, Thomas M. Transforming Talk into Text: Argument Writing, Inquiry, and Discussion, Grades 6-12. New York, NY: Teachers College, Columbia University, 2014. A book written for high school teachers seeking to use discussion as part of the research and writing process.
Morrison, Gabriel. “Writing Across Technology Overview: First-Year Writing.” First Year Writing, July 21, 2017. Website for the first Year Writing program at the University of Connecticut providing an overview of their innovative take on what first year writing courses should cover.
Nelson, Alondra. “Introduction: Future Texts.” Social Text 20, no. 2 (2002): 1–15.
10.1215/01642472-20-2_71-1. This article provides an overview of Afrofuturism.
Serafini, Frank. Reading the Visual: An Introduction to Teaching Multimodal Literacy. New York, NY:
Teachers College Press, 2014. This text is written for high-school teachers and goes into great detail identifying, explaining, and putting into practice the elements of visual literacy.
Villar-Perez, Raquel. “Queering Boxing, Undoing the ‘Macho.’” C& AMÉRICA LATINA, November 19, 2020. An article looking specifically at Clotilde Jimenez's series The Contest.
Williams, Gilda. How to Write About Contemporary Art. London: Thames & Hudson, 2019. This is a book that provides suggestions and examples for those interested in writing about contemporary art but from a variety of perspectives.