Arnold Joseph Toynbee, Viscount Bryce. The Treatment Of Armenians In The Ottoman Empire (1916). Whitefish: Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2010.
Compilation of various statements surrounding the Armenian Genocide taken from eyewitnesses in 1915 to 1916.
David Rumsey Map Collection (online).
Map collection website from the David Rumsey Collection, site contains various maps on the unit topics.
Balakian, Grigoris. Armenian Golgotha: A Memoir of the Armenian Genocide, 1915-1918 . New York: Vintage, 2018.
Memoir not only depicting Grigoris Balakin's eyewitnesses account to the atrocities seen at the Armenian Genocide, but his own personal experience as well.
Bosland, Michael. Annihilation: A Story of the Armenian Genocide. Read All Over, 2019.
Historical fiction depicting the life of a teenage girl living in Turkey at the time of the Armenian Genocide
Chang, Iris. The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II. New York: Basic Books, 2012.
This book provides detailed historical notes and maps of the Japanese invasion of China and the occupation of Nanking prior to the start of World War II.
Library of Congress Map Collection (online).
Website provides various map sources regarding the unit topic
Erichsen, Casper W. the Kaiser's Holocaust: Germany's Forgotten Genocide and the Roots of Nazism . London: Faber & Faber, 2011.
This book provides an insight to Germany’s early colonial lands in Africa and the treatment of tribes living within Germany's colonial borders.
Intent to Destroy. Dir. Joe Berlinger. 2017.
This documentary video shows a historical description of events that took place during the Armenian genocide, as well as how people today view the events.
Yale University Genocide Studies Program (website).
This website provides various maps and links to sources that are covered within this unit.
Wolny, Philip. Holodomor: The Ukrainian Famine-Genocide (Bearing Witness: Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing). New York: Rosen YA, 2018.
This book provides a historical look at the treatment of Ukrainians living in Soviet occupied Ukraine during the 1930's, and the treatment they had to endure under Stalin’s rule.