You Don’t Say (Game)
Review of famous people involved in the Prohibition Movement
To guess correctly the name being sought by means of clues.
How to Play:
Divide the class into two teams. Each team selects its most able representative to come to the front of the room to give clues.
Give the two clue-givers a card with the same name written on it (Frances Willard, for example). Choose one clue-giver to begin the game (the opportunity to rotate for first start will be with each new name).
The first clue-giver might give a clue such as this: “When people die a _____ is usually read giving valuables to certain survivors.” The clue-giver’s team discusses the clue and decides the missing word is “will.” They have a short specified amount of time to come up with the correct answer of Frances Willard. If they do not give the correct answer then the other clue-giver has an opportunity to give his clue. “The semisolid fat of a hog after rendering is called _____.” The second team has the same amount of time as the first to combine the two clues and to guess the name. Putting the clues “will” and “lard” together they will come up with Frances Willard. If they do not guess the correct first name then the first team gives clues for the first name.
The team that guesses the correct name is awarded a point, and the team that scores the most points is declared the winner.
After each name is guessed, discuss with the class the importance of that person
At no time may the clue-giver use any form of the word to be guessed in presenting the clue. If a team fails to comply, it loses a turn.
People that may be used in this game:
Frances Willard
Izzy Einstein
Moe Smith
James Oglethorpe
Dr. Howard Russell
Woodrow Wilson
Calvin Coolidge
Warren Harding
Andrew Volstead
Alfred E. Smith
Carry Nation
General Lincoln C. Andrews
Franklin Roosevelt
William Jennings Bryan
Billy Sunday
Herbert Hoover