Gary D. Mikolinski
Berger, Terry.
How Does It Feel When Your Parents Get Divorced?
Boston: Julian Messner, 1977. A twelve year old girl tells the story of her parents divorce, her feelings, and how she coped with them. She realizes that she didn’t have to chose between her parents and that she could love them both.
Brooks, Jerome.
Uncle Mike’s Boy
. New York: Harper and Row publishers, 1973. A twelve year old boy named Pudge loses his sister when she is hit by a truck. His parents can’t deal with his feelings very well, so he seeks out uncle Mike, a man about 33, who helps him through the crises.
Hogan, Paula Z.
Sometimes I Get So Angry.
New York: Raintree Publishing Co., 1980. Discusses the different reasons why children become angry with their parents and how to deal with this anger. Very realistic and informative.
Kenny, Francis.
Sometimes My Mom Drinks Too Much.
New York: Raintree Publishing Co., 1980. John is twelve years old. His parents have recently divorced. He lives with his mom and watches her drink herself to sleep each night. He realizes that he must stay strong and help her through her crises.
Rofes, Eric, and the Fayerweather Street School.
The Kid’s Book Of Divorce, By, For, And About Kids.
Lexington: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1981. A unique book written by kids from divorced families. Direct and to the point. Very easy and enjoyable reading. Recommended for children and adults.
Schultz, Charles.
What Is A Nightmare, Charlie Brown?
Boston: School Book Service, 1979. Mr. Schultz makes excellent use of his cartoon characters to show how everyday problems can be magnified out of proportion.
Teibl, Margaret.
Davey Come Home.
New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1979. Davey is fourteen and wants total independence. After dozens of arguments with his parents, he decides to run away from home. A unique book which deals with the emotions experienced by his parents during this ordeal.