Lesson I
Students will be able to draw the outline of their home and yard and associate at least five things in their picture with human characteristics.
Lesson Outline:
1. Explain to students the way the human body is related to architecture through examples of their home. Include the windows, chimney, fences, porch, entrance, fireplace, etc. in the explanation.
2. Take a walking tour of the neighborhood and discuss the way different houses suggest human qualities.
3. Send the students home with the assignment-of taking a “good” look at the exterior of their house.
4. Have the students draw the exterior of their house and label the human qualities.
5. Illustrate an open box type drawing of the interior of their homes and label the human qualities.
Lesson II
Students will be able to read and make a floor plan of their home.
Lesson Outline:
1. Explain to students what a floor plan is and show a sample.
2. Using the key to explain what each symbol represents discuss the importance of each to the person who will build or built the house.
3. Review how to measure with a ruler and measurements in general.
4. Teach the concept of proportions used in floor plans. (1/48 or 1/4” is equal to I’ in actual length)
5. Direct students to go home and get the measurements (length x width) of their home using body measurements and cardboard rulers if standard measuring devices are unavailable.
6. Use the measurements and make a floor plan of their actual home.
Lesson III
Students will draw a floor plan of their dream bedroom and illustrate patterns, collages, or drawings depicting what they would like included in it.
Lesson Outline:
1. Review what floor plans are and what they are used for.
2. Discuss what a fantasy bedroom may include.
3. Have the students think about what they personally feel would be ideal to have in their rooms and include such things as furniture or accessories. Draw or construct the theme in various media.
4. Pick a geometric shape and have students design a wallpaper pattern for their rooms.
5. Make a list of elements included in an ideal bedroom.
6. Utilize the list to draw a fantasy bedroom or use the collage method.
7. Make a floor plan of the bedroom.
(figure available in print form)
This is a sample floor plan including the location of windows, doors, walls, stairs, bathtub, washbasin, toilet, and chimney, as well as the dimensions of the house.