Bardi, P.M.
. London: Collins Pub. Franklin Watts, Inc., 1972. (Excellent basic introduction to architecture, very readable)
Barr, Donald.
The How and
Wonder Book of Building
. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1964. (Children’s, good book describing different architectural achievements of the past)
Benenson, Lawrence A.
How a House is Built
. New York: Criterion Books, Inc., 1964. (Children’s, excellent book on how an architect plans a house)
Bloomer, Kent C. and Moore, Charles W.
and Architecture
. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977. (Excellent introductory text with many illustrations)
Borja, Corinne and Robert.
Making Collages
. Chicago: Albert Whitman and Co., 1972. (Excellent book using collage as a lively art form)
Brown, Elizabeth Mills.
New Haven
A Guide to Architecture and Urban Design
. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976. (Excellent descriptions and illustrations of the different important architectural styles in New Haven)
Burrows, Roger. Creative Designs to Color]or No. 1. Los Angeles: Price/ Stern/ Sloan Pub., Inc., 1982. (Many examples of patterns and how they change when different sections are shaded in)
Gellner, Sherry.
Sunset Ideas for Remodeling Your Home
. California: Lane Books, 1973. (Good Floor plan examples and ideas for changing space in the home area)
Greenbie, Barrie B.
. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981. (Excellent book describing and illustrating how space is arranged in the human environment)
Rasmussen, Steen Eiler.
Experiencing Architecture
. Mass.: MIT Press, 1962. (Excellent book explaining how architecture brings order and relation into human surroundings)
Scully, Vincent Jr.
Masters of World Architecture
Frank Lloyd Wright
. New York: George Braziller, Inc., 1960. (Excellent examples of architecture in rhythmic patterns with human nature)
Seidelman, James E. and Mintonye, Grace.
Creating with Paint
New York: Crowell-Collier Press, 1967. (Children’s, many good ideas for expressing feelings using paint)
Weiss, Harvey.
and Palette
. New York: Young Scott Books, 1966. (Children’s, basic color theory and techniques to use with color)
Weiss, Harvey.
Working with Cardboard and Paper
. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1978. (Children’s, shows students how to make interesting and beautiful creations from ordinary materials)