Depew Ollie An Edgar Allan Poe Reader New York: Globe Book Inc. 1979. The stories selected for this collection are grouped under four headings: mystery, horror and fear, psychological, and the humorous. For the younger reader some passages and vocabulary have been modified or omitted. This is an easier edition for the slow reader.
Goodman, Roger
Seventy Five Short Masterpieces
New York: Bantam Books 1961.
This anthology embraces every kind of short story ever written. Spanning the centuries from Boccaccio to Bradbury, the selections include works by the finest authors in the Western world. (difficult collection for low students)
Kitzhaber, Albert
Elements of Literature
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc. 1974.
Short Story: Fomand Point of View pages 213-279 Jr. High text
Kitzhaber, Albert ed.
Patterns of Literature
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 1974.
Short Story: Subject pages 329-432 Jr. High text
Poe, Edgar Allan
New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. 1952.
This edition contains forty six of his tales, including all the best known and a number of less familiar ones.
Poe, Edgar Allan
New York: Platt & Murk Pub. 1961. Juvenile collection of twenty seven thrilling tales by the master of suspense with an added selection of his best poems. There ia an excellent foreword by Laura Benet, biographer of Poe.
Potter, Robert
Tales of Mystery and the Unknown
New York: Globe Book Co. Inc. 1976.
A collection of strange stories that take place in an unreal world where anything can happen. The questions at the end of each story will help students check their understanding.
Sohn, David editor
Ten Modern American Short Stories
New York: Bantom Books 1965. ($1.75 paperback)
Ten master story tellers explore the world of youth in conflict, rebellion, and love in this collection of stories by some of the outstanding writers of recent years. Students can identify with these adolescent themes.
Sohn David ed.
Ten Top Stories
New York: Bantam Books 1964. ($1.75) The stories in this book were picked by young adults. The problems and the characters in these stories can be identifiable to young readers. Variety and balance are vital considerations in this anthology; humor, pathos, fantasy, realism, adventure, cruelty, compassion, love, and death.
Strickland, Dorothy
Listen Children
New York: Bantam Books 1982. “An Anthology of Black literature” This book celebrates the joys and struggles of being young and black as we discover ourselves; our values, our feelings. (excellent for the inner city adolescent reader)