Baker, Augusta and Ellin Greene
Storytelling: Art and Technique
New York: R. R. Bowker Co. 1977.
This book shows you how to prepare yourself and your audience; to select the right material for the right group, to use your verbal, intellectual and physical strengths to create a receptive and interested audience.
Blair, Walter
The Literature of the United States
“An Anthology and a History” New York: Scott Foresman & Co. 1946.
Pages 644-709 contain commentaries on Poe’s more popular works.
Buranelli, Vincent
Edgar Allan Poe
second edition Boston: Twayne Pub. 1977.
This book was a great help in doing this paper. It is primarily a critical study on the major aspects of Poe’s achievement and influence and his life in so far as it relates to them.
Hidick, Wallace Thirteen Types of Narrative “A Practical Guide on how to Tell a Story” New York: Clarkson Potter Inc. 1970.
The author writes a model of every type of narrative and comments on how various famous authors: Poe, Hemingway, Faulkner have used that particular form.
Jacobs, William
Edgar Allan Poe
New York: McGraw Hill Book Co. 1975. This book was very helpful in doing this paper. This biography discusses Poe’s works. It shows how the harrowing events of Poe’s life form the background for an examination of his remarkable literary achievements as a reviewer, critic, poet, novelist, end short story writer.
Larrick, Nancy
A Parent’s Guide to Children’s Reading
New York: Bantam Books, 1975. ($2.50)
This is a reference book for children’ s reading from babyhood through adolescence, for every reading level and interest. This is a how to help children of all ages, interests, and abilities want to read more.
Poe, Edgar Allan
Great Tales of Horror
New York: Bantam Books, 1964. ($1.95)
The introduction of this book pages 1-13 was helpful in doing this paper. Only the grotesque and macabre tales are selected here.
Sheman, Anthony
The Research Paper Guide
West Haven, Ct: Pendulum Press Inc. 1970.
Excellent refresher for the rusty writer. It is a blueprint to plot out your course.
Teacher’s guides for
Elements of Literature and Patterns of Literature
New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc. 1974.
These gave a more in depth study of what was presented to the students on the short story. (pages 135-161 and pp. 205-233)