Bayne, Sarah
Helping Kids Write
Cambridge: Educators Publishers Service 1980. ($1.75)
This practical guide for teaching grades five through eight shows students how to express themselves on paper.
Dodd, Anne
Write Now
: New York: Learning Trends of Globe Book, 1973. Here are insights into creative writing. Section five “Exploring the Short Story” is especially helpful in setting the scene, plot, character and dialogue. (pages 49-63)
Goeller, Carl
Writing to Communicate
New York: Mentor Books 1974. ($1.50) This is a concise and complete guide to effective writing, packed with easy-to-understand examples of “do’s” and “don’ts,” including basic rules for grammar, punctuation, and sentence construction as well as a day-by-day program of exercise to improve your writing abilities.
Johnson, Eric
How to Achieve Competence in English
New York: Bantam Books, 1976. ($1.75)
This is a fact-filled, alphabetized, easy-to-use, readable handbook for students and teachers to maintain and improve their basic English skills. Packed with vital information on everything from grammar and punctuation to plays and persuasion, written with flair and humor, illustrated whimsically by Howie Coale, it is as simple to use as a dictionary.
Shefter, Harry
Shefter’s Guide to Better Compositions
New York: Pocket Books, 1960. ($1.95)
Here are tested techniques for improving your writing skills, plus numerous examples and frequent self-testing exercises.
Thornley, Wilson
Short Story Writing
New York: Bantam Books 1976. ($1.50)
“The Student’s Step-by Step Guide to Writing the Effective Short Story” Pages 1-64 are excellent for thinking about the elements of the short story. This book has everything the student needs to know to plan, write, and revise the successful short story.