Henry A. Rhodes
Lawson, Don.
The United States in the Vietnam War
, New York: Thomas Y Crowell Junior Books, 1981.
This book explains the political, social, economic, and military aspects of the Vietnam War. This book is strongly recommended for students in order to give them information on the highlights of the Vietnam War.
Poole, Peter A.
Dien Bien Phu
The Battle That Ended the First Indo-China War
, New York: Franklin Watts, 1972.
This book in addition to giving an excellent description of the battle at Dien Bien Phu, provides the student with a history of French colonialism in Indo-China.
The articles cited below can be found at the Sterling Memorial Library in the Periodical Room on Microfilm.
Articles Concerning French Intervention
“French Cannon and Air Bombs; Fight Annamese,”
Chicago Tribune
, 26 Nov. 1946.
“French Stand Firm on Indo-China; Refuse to Submit Annexation to International Settlement,”
New York Times
, 1 Sept. 1945.
“Indo-China Clash Seen,”
New York Times
, 24 Nov. 1946.
“Indo-China Riot Reported,”
New York Times
, 22 Nov. 1946.
“New President of Cochin-China Hangs Himself,”
Chicago Tribune
, 11 Nov. 1946.
Articles Concerning the 1954 Geneva Accords
“Big 3 Meet on EDC After Truce Signing; U. S. Warning Given to Reds on Aggression,”
New Haven Register
, 21 July 1954.
“France Faces Geneva Crises Without Full U. S. Backing,”
New Haven Register
, 12 July 1954.
“Indo-China Parley on Peace,”
Chicago Tribune
, 4 May 1954.
“Indo-China Problem Points Up Dulles Dilemma,”
New York Times
, 18 July 1954.
“Showdown Talks at Geneva Open in Optimistic Mood; U. S. Support Lifts French, British Hopes; Partition of Vietnam Seem Certain; Smith to Attend Conference,”
New Haven Register
, 21 July 1954.
“U. S. O. K. Partition of Indo-China,”
Chicago Tribune
, 14 July 1954.
“Vietnam Pact Text Shows Wide Freedom,”
New York Times
, 22 July 1954.
“Vietnam Truce Signed; Saves Billions to U. S.,”
Chicago Tribune,
22 July 1954.
“West Shapes Terms on Indo-China; Paris Would Yield Hanoi, Haiphong; U. S. Might Guarantee Dividing Line,”
New York Times
, 21 July 1954.
Articles Concerning U. S. Intervention
“G.I. Says He Witnessed Massacre in South Vietnam Village,”
New York Times
, 20 Nov. 1969.
“LBJ Orders Navy Destroy Attackers,”
New Haven Register
, 3 Aug 1964.
“100 South Viet Villagers Killed,”
Chicago Tribune
, 22 Nov 1969.
“Red Torpedo Boats Crawl Home; Attack U. S. Ship on Patrol,”
New Haven Register
, 3 Aug 1964.
“Reds Viets Fire on U. S. Ship,”
Chicago Tribune
, 3 Aug 1964.
“Soldier claim He Saw Viets Slaughtered,”
New Haven Register
, 20 Nov 1969.
South Viets Tell Massacre by Yank Troops,”
Chicago Tribune,
19 Nov 1969. “The Vietnam Program” (editorial),
New York Times
, 15 Jan. 1962.
“Warning to Hanoi” (editorial),
New York Times
, 4 Aug. 1964.
“Time for Decision” (editorial),
Chicago Tribune
, 1 Feb. 1968.
“Vietcong Press Guerrilla Raids; Martial Law Declared by Thieu,”
New York Times
, 1 Feb. 1968.
“Yanks Battle Reds in Saigon; U. S. Air Bases Under Heavy Fire,” New
Haven Register
, 1 Feb 1968.
Articles Concerning Nixon’s Christmas Bombings
“Biggest Hanoi Air Raids; Jets Renew Strikes on all of North Vietnam,”
Chicago Tribune
, 19 Dec 1972.
“3 Big U. S. Bombers Downed in Heavy Strikes on North; Attacks Near Hanoi are Biggest of War,”
New Haven Register
, 19 Dec. 1972.
“Two Can Play Game” (editorial),
New York Times
, 19 Dec. 1972.
“White House Says Raiding in North Will Go on Until There is an Accord,”
New York Times
, 19 Dec. 1972.
“Vietnam Victory Remote Despite U. S. Aid to Diem,”
New York Times
, 25 July 1962.
“Yanks Bomb North Vietnam,”
Chicago Tribune
, 5 Aug 1964.
Articles Concerning Johnson’s Escalation
“50,000 More to Viet War; Monthly Draft Doubled to 35,000; Not Necessary to Call Reserve Units at Present,”
Chicago Tribune
, 29 July 1965.
“Johnson Orders 50,000 More Men to Vietnam and Doubles Draft; Again Urges U. N. to Seek Peace,”
New York Times
, 29 July 1965.
“President Will Double Draft Call,”
New Haven Register
, 29 July 1965.
Articles Concerning Tet Offensive
“Bloody Path to Peace” (editorial),
New York Times
, 1 Feb 1968.
“Divebomb Reds in Saigon; U. S. Tanks Troops Hit at Invaders,”
Chicago Tribune
, 1 Feb 1968.
Articles Concerning 4 Major Anti-War Demonstrations
“Anti-War Rally Brings Violence to N. Y. Streets,”
Chicago Tribune
, 16 April 1967.
“Campus Unrest War Spreads With Strike Calls; Editors of 11 College Newspapers Urge Nationwide Walkout to Protest Moves in Cambodia and New Bombings ,”
New York Times
, 4 May 1970.
“Campus Violence Recedes; Students Turn to Political Action,
New Haven
19 May 1970.
“Disorder Mounts Across Nation; Strike Close Over 80 Colleges,”
New Haven Register
, 7 May 1970.
“Endless Wave of Protesters are Serious But Not Solemn,”
New Haven Register
, 25 April 1971.
“4 Kent State Students Killed by Troops,”
New York Times
, 5 May 1970.
“Kent State is a Scene of Unreality,”
Chicago Tribune
, 5 May 1970.
“Kent State Riot; 4 Killed; Troop Fight With Student,”
Chicago Tribune
, 5 May 1970.
“Peaceful Legions Coverage on Capital; The Mood-Give Peace a Chance,”
New Haven Register
, 16 Nov. 1969.
“Thousands March in Peace Rallies New York, San Francisco protests Orderly; King Asks Bombing Halt,”
New Haven Register
, 16 April 1967.
“Throngs to Parade to U. N. For Anti-War Rally,”
New York Times
, 15 April 1968.
“200,000 in Capital Rally, End War Marches Demand,”
Chicago Tribune
, 25 April 1971.
“200,000 Rally in Capital to End War,”
New York Times
, 25 April 1971.
“250,000 Protesters Stage Peaceful Rally in Washington; Radical Group Routed in Riot,”
New York Times
, 16 April 1967.
“War Protesters Need Guidance,” (editorial),
Chicago Tribune
, 19 Nov. 1969.