Ruth M. Wilson
Comprehension is the art of understanding.
The student will be able to discuss and answer questions intelligently at the end of narrative.
Questions which could be passed out to the students on ditto or written on the chalkboard. Depending upon the selection read, answer these questions.
Lesson for Objective V
1. What is the main idea of this selection?
a. Education is important
b. Awards are very important
c. Education has its reward
2. Name some awards Constance Baker Motley won during her adult career?
3. While a sophomore at Hillhouse, Constance wrote a poem entitled:
a. Listen God from the Ghetto
b. Listen Lord from the Slums
c. Why did God make Slums?
4. What was the name and location of the university from which Constance transferred?
a. Columbia University, New York City
b. Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia
c. Fisk University, Tennesse
5. What did Constance do with the sign she took home with her?
a. Threw it away
b. Burned it
c. Broke it
d. Showed it to her neighbors
6. What was her feelings when talking about the sign?
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Neutral
7. What makes you think so?
8. In what year did Mrs. Motley graduate from Columbia Law School?
a. in 1947
b. in 1943
c. in 1946
9. When did she become Mrs. Joel Motley, Jr.
a. before graduation
b. after graduation
c. while a student at Columbia
10. Ask your parents if they have ever heard of Mrs. Constance Baker Motely? If so, when?
1. Students may list awards listed in the story and any others he/she may know about.
2. Many elderly people live in elderly apartments in New Haven: see if you can locate what is directly across from the Constance Baker Motley Elderly housing on Sherman Parkway.