Ruth M. Wilson
Elizabeth Mills.
New Haven
. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1976.
A Guide to Architecture and Urban Design.
Burkpile, Lucinda V.
New Haven an Illustrated History
. Windsor Publication, 1981.
An illustrated history of New Haven past and present.
Edwin, Edward and Neil Hickey.
Adam Clayton Powell and the Politics of Race
. New York: Fleet Publishing, 1965.
An interesting book about the life of Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Jacobs, Andy.
The Powell Affair
. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1973.
A book on the events of the downfall of Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Marr, Warren and Harry A. Ploski.
The Afro-American 1776,
New York: Bellwether, 1976.
A bi-centennial edition of black biographies offering a wealth of information on notable black people.
Mick, Alice and Lula White.
Italians and Blacks in New Haven.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1978.
Powell, Adam C., Jr.
Adam by Adam
. New York: Dial Press, 1971.
An autobiography of Adam C. Powell, Jr., lively and useful.
Stewart, Daniel.
Black New Haven.
New Haven: Advocate Press, 1977.
An informative book on Black New Haven from 1920-1977.
Warner, Robert Austin,
New Haven Negroes: A Social History
. New York: Arno Press, 1969.
An excellent book when seeking information on New Haven’s black population.