Conard, Henry S.
The Waterlilies
, The Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1905. A beautifully illustrated book on waterlilies including their anatomy, physiology, and uses by mankind. Suitable reading for teachers and advanced high school.
DEP State of Connecticut.
Wetland Protection ln Connecticut
, Water Resources Unit, Hartford, CT, 1985. A good introduction to wetlands biology and Connecticut’s protection laws. Available from the DEP. Easily read by teachers and junior and senior high school students.
New England Wetlands
, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1980. An excellent guide to inland wetland and coastal wetland biology, plant species, and protection laws. Beautiful photographs. I used it to identify most of the wetland plants at Cedar Swamp. Easily read by teachers and junior and senior high school students.
Wetland Protection in Connecticut
, Water Resources Unit, Hartford, CT, 1984. Free pamphlet from the EPA on wetland classification and protection in Connecticut. Good introduction for teachers and junior and senior high school students.
Hodgkinson, A.
Oxalic Acid in Biology and Medicine
, Academic Press, London, 1977. Good background reading for teachers on oxalix acid, its molecular structure, and biochemical associations.
Needham, James G.
A Guide to the Study of Fresh Water Biology
, Holden-Day, Inc., San Francisco, CA, 1962. An excellent guide to the identification of fresh water algae, invertebrates, and fishes and to methods of sampling and analyzing aquatic organisms and their environment. The glossary aids in its potential use by teachers and senior high school level students.
Raven et al.
Biology of Plants
, Worth Publishers, Inc., NY, 1976. Good background on the biology of plants to help teachers when they are reading the other technical literature. Also suitable reading for senior level high school students.
The Peterson Field Guide Series
, sponsored by The National Audubon Society. Available at most bookstores in hard and soft cover. A visual approach to a variety of subjects, including animal tracks, trees, flowers, insects, and many more. Useful for field identification by junior and senior high school students as well as teachers.
Watabe, N.
The Mechanisms of Mineralization In The Invertebrates and
, University of South Carolina Press, SC, 1976. Good treating of mineralization in higher plants, including micrographs of
. Good for teacher background.
Zipkin, Isadore.
Biological Mineralization
, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1973. Good teacher background on the mechanisms of mineralization plus good treating of the calcium cycle.